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[Inventory Rollback Request]ThinkingFast


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Your Name: ThinkingFast
Coordinates: -4672,63,-2145
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2230 GMT+08:00 16/12/2021
Description of Issue: Died in base. For some reason when I dug my gravestone, it only returned one item instead of all my inventory items. important items include diamond backpack, resonant endstone, steel electrum cleaver, ardite pickaxe.
Screenshots (Optional): None


Name: RealUvuvwe

Coordinates: roughly -9472 -38658 2 

Time/Date: 18/12/21 SGT 00:

Description of Issue: Died in Base. I could not find my gravestone despite having the key with me. Moderator Duke has tried finding the grave for me, but to no avail. Important items include Deep Learner with Skeleton Module (max level), Backpack 10*5, 1 Ultimate Furnace, 

thanks so much for your help. 

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