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[Command Request] Eternalite


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Account Name: Eternalite
Rank: Sponsor+
Requested Commands^: Worldedit, Access to Tp, Access to spectator mode
Reason for Request*: Worldedit: Makes building easier and would help me tons
                                      Access to tp: Makes staffing much easier and I can check people's bases more easily to check for lag,etc (optional)

                                      Access to Spectator mode: will help with staffing around and will also help to check areas that are covered but might have things that are causing lag. (optional)


Worldedit added. Don't make too large edits to cause server lag, and everything is logged.
Unfortunately, Worldedit is very limiting on 1.16 and will only allow you to edit non-modded blocks.

Spectator and /tp are denied because it's permissions given in later staff ranks, if you think that they should still be available then that's something to bring up to the managers about adding to the baseline Helper permission. 



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