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Clear Lag / Gorund items clearing warning


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As you can imagine, this is not the first time this has been suggested and the reason why it's not something we've added is because we don't run a standard entity clearer plugin. It does not run off a set timer to clear entities and it does not clear all entities or dropped items, it's actually a bunch of different checks being made to see if it's necessary to do. Mainly a tps check, but it only checks the amount of entities of each type and then tries clearing just the entity type that may be causing lag.

Such as, if the plugin detects low tps, sees there are a lot of ground entities on the server, it will then proceed to clear ground entities. There's no real countdown to it clearing the entities, it's more reactive to what's going on.
Ideally, it's made this way for you not to notice that it's even there

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It won't clear dropped items unless the plugin considers it an excessive amount of dropped items on server(not item specific, just the entity type dropped item) and then it will clear it. So it shouldn't, unless it believes something to be "wrong".

But why would you have your valuable items dropped on the ground anyways? :P

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