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B4N0NA (Inventory Rollback)


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Your Name: B4N0NA 

Coordinates: -3943 73 4699 raid

Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): around 8pm - 9pm GMT+8 1/1/2021
Description of Issue:I died by a alpha joust while fighting off 20 strays, i had to go at the time and by the time i came back, most of my items despawned from supposedly clearlag
Screenshots (Optional): can't post the image for some reason 


Your Name: B4N0NA
Coordinates: -4834 74 -5284
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 10:56PM GMT+8 1/1/2021
Description of Issue: Alright, i died again by kinetic energy and my items instantly despawned, its experiencing some lag rn, lag clear is being a real pain today
Screenshots (Optional): still can't post images

  • 2 weeks later...

That's the only save we have for 1/1/2022, we have one backup per day, so I don't think that I'll find a better one.

If you want, make a list of the missing items here and we'll refund it to you manually.


1x Full set of neptunium armor
2x Ring of regeneration
1x Diamond halberd (masterful) 
3x Heart crystal
1x Iron pick (efficiency 1)
(forgot) 1x EXP tome (filled)
This rollback is a bit old and i don't care anymore, so i'll post a newer refund that happened recently

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