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In-Game Nickname: Scarlxd, and mrbobski (they both participated in killing me)



Time and date: 31 Jan 2022 about 0:45AM GMT+1 timezone



Description of what happened: I was killing the enderdragon and when i killed it it plays a sound to every player that's online, and Scarlxd quickly tped into the end and killed me



Screenshots or Proof: image.png.443b4eeebdfc479895821c0e9ceb181b.png And logs

(The message in the chat said that i died because i was wearing shield of honor and they were using wepons with atomic deconstructor)


List of eyewitnesses: Cataclysm_Cat, AdmSirRed and everyone who has online cuz they said in the chat what they did



Dying to a player in the end has never been illegal whether it was consented or not. This cannot be categorized as harassment as it is not a continued unwanted action. Furthermore, the killer returned almost all the items except a dragon ring. While I understand that the experience of the player who died was dampened, there are two sides of this argument. The end is a wilderness and it is well known that wild fights are to occur there. It is one of the only places where players like Scarl are able to pvp anyone other than his friends for his own enjoyment. I believe a rule should be made that states that pvp is only allowed to occur through consented means. That is basically what this comes down to. Any non-consented form of pvp is punishable despite the rules not saying explicitly so because there are rules stating that both continued unwanted actionis and intentional harm is punishable.


One more thing, since most of the items were given back anyways, if Scarl was punished for this, I believe the punishment should be repealed due to the rules being vague in what they allow and disallow. Stating that pvp is allowed in the wilderness, then punishing any player who has a complaint made about them due to harassment or intentional harm just because they killed someone in wilderness is contradictory. You are basically stating that pvp in the wilderness is punishable and that only consented pvp in the wilderness is allowed.


I got the advancement free the end and 26 seconds after that they killed me so ofc it was tp kill because they tped after they heard the sound (check logs)


 Using /warp raid and running to u is not a tp kill. Tp kills involve the tp command are u going insane bro.

In the past occurences that i was around for tp killing invovled either the /tpa and/or tpahere command. In those cases it doesn't matter how long someone is around if they got there via tp and then get killed even if its 30min to an hour later its a tp kill. Warping to the end and running to the area u think someone is still at is not the same as tp killing.


I didn't even kill him in the first place, I just heard the end dragon go off and went to the end with scar, and he's blatantly blaming me for killing him aswell whilst I was a witness of scar not "spawnkilling"


but still, you lied about scar killing you. It was you're own fault in the first place to kill the ender dragon so idk why you are making a baby fit about it.


Actually, I checked logs. There is no proof of Scar killing you. One of your deaths was due to bobski and another was just, "Shulker5 died" without a name. Unfortunately, no logs prove that Scar killed you.

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