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Your Name: McDonaldsSalad
Item Name + Amount: Mana Bee - 2
Coordinates (format x, y, z): NA
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: NA
Description of Issue: I was watching my bees to grab the honeycomb blocks to add it to my pipez whitelist to centrifuge it and the bee literally poofed. Same thing happened to the second one after I mutated to get it. I wouldn't make a request for bees but it took me 20 minutes for find them.
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Note: I know I have an existing request but I didn't know if I should add to that one or make a new one, so I made a new one, obviously.

ALSO: Does anyone know why bees just randomly poof? Like literally, I can watch them and they disappear in smoke for some reason.


No clue why they disappear, i never had disappearing bees, what kind of hive/apiary are you using? Others were saying their bees also disappearing, as far as i know they mostly had hives?! Any crossing chunk borders or anything?

  • Manager

Bummer suggested that I move the bees to a chunk that has less 'data' so I did that but it didn't help. I'm using a T3 apiary and the only things that are in that chunk are my 4 other bees, which are in the same apiary, and my botania stuff, which isn't a lot. They are not chunk crossing, I try to make sure nothing chunk crosses if I can help it


Also, thanks for refunding my items :D

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