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Your Name:  The_Koci
Coordiantes: (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374) -11074 67 7557
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 8/8/2022
Description of Issue: After 3xj did a rollback to my base on 9/8 (to 8/8), my disks went gone, therefore I requested rollback to 7/8, which bugged my entire base, therefore I would like to request a rollback to 8/8 since I figured I could continue playing without the disks. Thank you


EDIT: By the way I know Creative Crafters got banned, but I got all my patterns in them, is there any way to retrieve them?


If the disks are from AE2, make sure if you have a security terminal installed on your network, that you place in an empty biometric card with permissions inside of it. The "deletion" of your drives could be because the network thought that it isnt part of its own network. (you'll also need the card for subnets so its a 2 in 1)
Upon breaking, the Creative Crafter will not keep its inventory and will drop all the patterns.

1 hour ago, veber01 said:

Upon breaking, the Creative Crafter will not keep its inventory and will drop all the patterns.

Thought so too, but after I broke one, nothing dropped from it. I can try after the rollback again though.

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