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Your Name: Dyma69
Item Name + Amount: builder 1x (rftools), flux point 1x, ender chest + diamond 1x (enderchests), shape card (clearing fortune quarry) 1x, magmatic dynamo 5x (thermal expension), ender tank r/r/r (free lava) 1x (endertanks), geothermal generator 3x (FTB industrial contraptions), heat generator 6x (mekanism: generators)
Coordinatesaround -8588 69 5003 (mining dimension)
Description of Issue: dimension reset didn't know true dimension wipe time
Screenshots (Optional): 


Hello Arkay19,
thank you for your request. Unfortunately we do not refund Items that were lost due to a Dimension reset. There are chat messages that tell you to not store your items in another Dimension so it's your own fault.

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