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Minecraft Username: mailmankarlson
Time and Date:15:05 european time

Description of what happened: (In chronological order) i was afk in my base looking at rlcraft wiki when karlson found out his eggs are gone (second time this happened) he started accusing me then the started accusing his friend darktr0ll then me again he was talking that i did that i shown him my chests in my base and my enderchest theyre wasnt there (he has trust in  my claim) i have 2 more bases that i store my loot in i wanted to show him that theyre not there but he didint listen and started attacking me he popped my totem then i rtped away and were back to the current time where im afking the complaint

Screenshots (Or anything else) of Proof:image.png.3e317525000bf8c558bdd12e6998ff44.png image.png.c38cc76f56649ea6078f7eba1d0cf829.pngimage.png.19830e9bd9140ad839e80c931670a58b.png
admins can check all of my chests that i store my loot in (alovanvulpix claim,technic clan storage, and my base)
List of eyewitnesses: Darktr0ll (hes more on the mailman side)

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