royalredranger Posted 8 hours ago Posted 8 hours ago (edited) SkyFactory 4 has multiple plug-ins allowing new, innovative commands. We get asked these questions lots: How do I make a new island? How do I teleport to it? How do I invite a player to my island? How do me and my partner sync achievements? This post will answer your questions and list available commands as a player, which are necessary within play. There may be other tutorials on this, however this is a recent, updated post as of March 2025. /is create - Creates a new island /is tp - Will teleport you to your island (Or will list your islands to teleport to) /is lock - Will stop players entering within 256 blocks of your island, unless invited. /is unlock - Allows external players to visit your island (They will not be able to break / place or interact) /is invite [Player] - Allows a player to join your island and gain access to all containers, land etc. /is kick [Player] - Removes a player from the island list, revoking access to containers, block mining/placement /is info - Find out information about your island claim. /is list [Player] - See what islands players are given access to. /is leave - Will self-kick from someone else's island. /is delete - WARNING, WILL ALSO DELETE YOUR INVENTORY / ENDERCHESTS! Store on another island! /tpa [Player] - Will send a teleport request to a player, if it says "You do not have permission to enter this island!" tell the player to perform /is unlock /tpahere [Player] - Will request a player to teleport to your location /claimgreeting [Message] - Will set an automated message that welcomes you, when you enter your island; More than 1 word requires hyphens / dashes "Welcome-to-Island". /Market - Views 24 hour player market /Market add [price] - Adds an item to the player market - Hold the item your selling! Items expire after 72 hours. You can sell up to 5 items at once, or buy Market Merchant for £2.50, $4 on Craftersland Store! /balance - Shows your money / balance. /baltop - A money leader board. /bcl list - Will show the location of your chunk loaders /bcl bal - Will show how many chunk loaders you have remaining. To Sync Achievements: /tofe Help / Invite / Accept / Decline / Kick / Leave / Info / forcesync Help - gives help on /tofe functions. Invite: Invite a player onto your achievement book. Accept: Accept a players invite. Decline - Turn down an invite. Kick - Force remove player off your achievement book. leave - Leave the player's book and follow your own again. info - gives info on your current party. Force-sync: Will make the players party resync achievements regardless of conditions. Edited 3 hours ago by Newlumberjack skyclaims is a general plugin we use, probably should outline it ManYouForgot 1
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