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Minecraft Servers


  1. Vanilla Servers [Java Edition]


    EU   - play.craftersland.eu or mc.craftersland.net
    USA - play.craftersland.us

  2. Modded Servers [Java Edition]


    Tekkit: tekkit.craftersland.net:25567  InfinityEvolved: inf.craftersland.net 
    SkyFactory 2.5: skyfactory.craftersland.net  SkyFactory 3: sf3.craftersland.net 
    SkyFactory 4: sf4.craftersland.net  Direwolf20 1.7.10: ftb.craftersland.net 
    Direwolf20 1.12.2: dw.craftersland.net  PixelmonReforged: pixelmon.craftersland.net
    FTB Revelation: rev.craftersland.net  FTB Continuum: cont.craftersland.net 
    SkyAdventures: sky.craftersland.net  StoneBlock2: sb2.craftersland.net 
    Interactions: it.craftersland.net  Ultimate Reloaded: ulr.craftersland.net 
    Nomifactory: nomi.craftersland.net  DDSS: ddss.craftersland.net 
    RealCraft: rl.craftersland.net  RAD: rad.craftersland.net 
    ProjectOzone3: po3.craftersland.net  GT NewHorizons: gt.craftersland.net
    MC Eternal: eternal.craftersland.net  All The Mods 6: atm6.craftersland.net
    FTB OceanBlock: ocean.craftersland.net      Tekkit SMP: tekkit2.craftersland.net     
    Direwolf20 1.18.2: dw18.craftersland.net      Direwolf20 1.19.2: dw19.craftersland.net
    StoneBlock3: sb3.craftersland.net      Direwolf20 1.20.1: dw20.craftersland.net
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