Since it's taking long for bukkit to update to 1.7.2 we had time to add more stuff to Assassin'S Craft v2 server!
Change Log:
> Big parkour dungeon open! Only parkour no mobs, but the parkour is difficult. You can find chests with loot from Tier1 to Tier5, at the end of the dungeon are some Tier4 and Tier5 loot chests with Epic and Legendary items. The dungeon entrance is located somewhere on the map, you need to find it.
> Small Mob Dungeons: We have 2 types of mob dungeons, 1 with hostile mobs and one with animals. For now you only can find Zombie mob dungeons and Pig dungeons, the zombies only defend the loot chests and the pigs drop raw meat that can be cooked.
> More interiors and parkours done
> The level range for the items found in chests is now increased from 0 - 40 to 0 - 60. So you now can get weapons and armors for higher levels
> Party system added! Use /party for commands. You can get up to 8 friends in a party.
> Loot added to Tier4 and Tier5 chests, it's not done, but there is some nice loot.
> horses not fixed yet, it seems to be harder then expected, we will get it done

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