A large update was completed on our SkyFactory2 server, and updated the server to latest recommended modpack version 2.5.3!
We unbanned the beconators and AE2 stuff blocks as they no longer crash and there are lots of mod config changes. Some users reported that inscribers were lost after the update, but you can ask for a refund if you really don't want to buy them again.
There are lots of mod related changes check them below:
Mods added
Ewy's Workshop-1.1.2
Mods deleted
Full modpack changelog:
§4 2.5.3 Changelog
* §6Updated Mods: Minefactory Reloaded, Forbidden Magic, EnderIO, EnderCore, Carpenter's Blocks, Infinite Invo, and Draconic Evolution, Chance Cubes, Loot Bags, Apple Core, Ranchable Fluid Cows, Storage Drawers, Vein Miner, MpUtils, Ex Compressum, Ex Nihilo, Simple Labels, Loot Bags, Lott++, Baconator, TwitchCrumbs
* Went through each moofluid cow to make sure I didn't miss any useless fluids (turned Zinc, RedAurum, and Brass off Turned Cloud Seed and Liquid Sunshine back on)
* §6Added back the Experience Rings mod
* Switched the NEI Hidden items to using InPureCore primarily to alleviate the Minetweaker issues of hiding incorrect items
* §6Fixed the bug where players would lose all hunger/durability when Vein Mining an Ender IO conduit
* Turned off Taint Spread from Thaumcraft
* §6Turned off Chance Cube rewards that flip the map/chunks since it does not apply to this particular modpack
* Added Infested leaves to the composting list
* §6Added Tinkers' Clear Glass to the ore:glass OreDictionary table
* Increased the amount of Dimlets that appear in Loot Bags from 1-2 to 2-4
* §6Enabled Dark Steel to be cast from a smeltery, added the Dark Steel Cow back
* Added any remaining Pam's Harvestcraft Seeds to drop from Grass that were missed
* §6Removed the Decocraft outlines
* Added the ability to pour destabilized redstone into a casting basin or into a gem cast for vanilla redstone
* §6Removed the Maze reward from Chance Cubes
* Fixed the recipe conflict for the Weather Crystal and Diamond Nuggets by adding shaped recipes to get each
* §6Fixed Single-Use Safari Nets not being craftable in an ME terminal due to the recipe giving 3 safari nets which are not stackable items
* Added in new recipes for the AE2 Grindstone, SAG Mill, IE Crusher, and Pulverizer to break items down (Vanilla Armor, Saddle) and also added ore dust doubling when necessary
* §6Removed the Loot Crate Assets from the SkyFactory Resource Pack due to copyright
* Change display type of AE2 to be all RF for continuity, also turned off AE2 version checking
* §6Changed the achievement book to "Enslave Some Hobgoblins", Not Kobolds
* Finally found and re-enabled mob heads to drop from non-player methods
* §6Created new scripts to allow any of the Unstable Tool parts to be casted (Can only happen in the basin, not the table)
* Loot Values should now be fixed. Values are based on item weighting in loot bags and give more than a value of 1
* Fixed the ability to duplicate Loot Bags
§4 2.5.2 Changelog
* Updated "It's Raining Food" to fix a server crash issue when it rains
* §6Fixed Aluminum Ore Sand and Gravel to be pulverized
§4 2.5.1 Changelog
* Added Bone, Flint, Paper, Slime, and Blue Slime to more available tool parts
* §6Removed all ore generation in the void that should not have been there
* Removed In-Game Wiki, since it decided to just install itself
* §6Removed Dungeon Chest Loot from Loot Bags and updated NEI Lootbags to stop infinite resources from being created through the recycler (these easily recycleable items were introduced in 2.5 as a bug due another mod update/config change)
* Reduced the rarity of MooFluid Cows from 8 to 7, since Vanilla Cows are not correctly spawning
* §6Added FTB Islands to the pack to allow a better Multiplayer experience. You can now create islands (either standard tree on dirt or 3x3 island with chest) for other players through commands:
* Fixed Moofluids to not spawn useless liquids and to allow ingots/blocks to be made from others
* §6Removed the Utility Mobs mod due to the incredibly high amount of exploits it can be used for and other issues reported by users
* Rearranged the scripts to allow linux and mac based systems to craft iron ingots from iron blocks
* §6 Removed Experience rings due to players able to get near infinite amounts of experience with it
* Created recipes to go back and forth between Ex Nihilo gravel, sand, and dust blocks to their respective pieces allowing c ompacting drawers to store them easily
* §6Added pulverizer recipes for Aluminum gravel, sand, and dust because they were never added by the mod itself
* Added an Ex Nihilo Aluminum Ingot to Nugget recipe
* §6Turned off the Mouse Tweaks LMB Drag with Item for convenience purposes
* Fixed the conflicting recipes for Ceramic Dye and Porcelain Clay
* §6Removed sprinting from the Tree Growing Simulator mod to eliminate an exploit for infinite bonemeal and RF
* Added Immersive Engineering Aluminum Nuggets to the Ore Dictionary so that it may be used in recipes
* §6Made the Deep Storage Unit a bit easier to craft
* Changed the Ex Compressum config option to "Use up" an upgrade book over time
* §6Removed Filing Cabinet recipes and hid them from NEI to fix a duplication glitch
* Removed the Pam's Harvestcraft Market to fix a dupe bug
* §6AE2 Stuff was updated to work with the current version of Applied Energistics
* Slightly, ever-so-slightly, turned down the drop chance of Loot Bags
* §6Removed Witchery Owls from the Auto Spawner list, yet another dupe glitch
* Added all Pam's Tree Saplings to Podzol Sieve Table
* §6Cows, Pigs, Chickens, and Sheep now have craftable spawn eggs
* Removed Crafting Table IV and ElecCore due to crashes and Server login issues. Replaced with Ewy's Workshop
* §6Rebalanced all of the food composting values to take into account recipe difficulty
* Infusion Stones no longer need to be full durability to craft with
* §6Added the Loot++ mod
* In an effort to lesson confusion amongst players, the Inscriber recipes in NEI have been hidden
* §6Updated the JABBA mod to fix many bugs, including a major duplication bug.
* Removed the Forge Lexicon due to a crash, it's functionality can be replaced by a myriad of other items/blocks
* §6Disabled the chance of getting Silk Touch and fiery as upgrade modifiers from Iguana Tweaks
* Removed a number of exploitable items from the Loot Recycler, like sticks
* §6Fixed the song Flashlight from not playing due to an incorrect filename
* Added tooltip text to the Compressed Hammers to alert players their inability to veinmine compressed block
* §6Removed the In-Game Info XML redundant item name on the middle left portion of the screen
* Removed a number of superfluous items from NEI
* §6Added Natura Sulfur to the Sulfur Ore Dictionary list
* Added the Infinibow(Infinity Bow Fix) mod to the pack
* §6Baconator's are now able to auto-feed and be eaten when you're hungry like normal foods

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