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  1. anw this topic is done, but im still waiting for my master assasin kit
  2. Your Name: Zingoboss13Server Name (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): ACDescription of Issue: I'd like to reactivate my master assasin bundle that i bought a couple of years ago(Before the newest reset) I've applied for it in older resets aswell and got it, which you can check out on my profile i guess that might verify things.Screenshots (Optional):
  3. thank you one more question, how im a gonna be able to get proof since i got a new pc and the emails are so old that got deleted probably? i do have the proof for the master assasin tho if that helps.
  4. i had bought the sponsor+ role back in the day, and haven't played for like 1-2 years, could i have my role back, i was also a mod on the forum but that's not needed since i just wanna play for now. my in game name is Zingoboss13.I also donated for a master assasin kit before the reset of Assasins 1 , and now i would like to get it again back. also i would like to claim my vip role in the discord , my tag is N0t0r10u5 B.I.G.#2716
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