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    El Salvador

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Out of the Water

Out of the Water (3/26)



  1. Good afternoon, or nights depends on where they are, I do not know if you remember the time spent with your friends in Craftersland, but if you do not me yes, I want to tell the staff that I am doing the most to revive the server, but also they have to help me , do not know events, I made a Facebook page of my organization to revive the server, I am contacting Youtuber, in short, everything possible because I live again, but please Staffs are active, I do this for the purpose of making me staff, I have spent many years inte Ntándolo and I have not achieved, but this I do for the love that I have to the server, if I have not accepted Staff I have the qualities and ready nothing more to add please support me to reivivir this beautiful server if at the end it succeeded and give me a field in the Staff Well but what I care is that the server alive again like old times
  2. ?
  3. Proofs But my /nick Gerar11 is real nick is KatheRurik
  4. ING: KatheRurik Rank: S+ Global
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