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Retired Manager
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Everything posted by Thirgol

  1. Account Name: Thirgol Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands: worldedit Reason for Request*: Easier to test block palettes on a larger scale along with quicker block removal.
  2. 1. Prefixes do not remove the nickname. The 'Nick:' is there to show that the name is a nickname, and not the actual player name. This has been a part of CraftersLand for a long time. We have not had any discussions to change this. 2. The heart symbol in the prefix was part of a limited time Valentines prefix. Other custom prefixes do not offer symbols. 3. If you do not wish to have creative access when upgrading your rank, we can revoke the permission for you upon request. At the moment, only the managers can do this, so please contact one when you want it removing.
  3. Rollback Complete
  4. Not sure why the last one didn't do anything. I have done another rollback. If it doesn't work, please message me on discord.
  5. Forced quest completion.
  6. Inventory Rollback Complete. You should have all the items you lost now.
  7. Permission Granted. Please follow the Creative Items rules when using world edit. Only use world edit within your own claim, you cannot use worldedit for other players. Abusing this permission will result in punishments and the removal of worldedit. Enjoy building.
  8. What's your minecraft username?
  9. Rollback Complete
  10. Moved to RLCraft Technical Support. Rollback Complete
  11. I don't have access to this email. The reason I asked for the Transaction ID is because there's a possibility that you might have mistyped the name, and therefore it wasn't sent to 'Suarez_MC'. I have checked again, and there's still no registered payment for the date you specified. It would be difficult for me to help you without cooperation.
  12. Rollback Complete
  13. Rollback Complete.
  14. Rollback Complete
  15. Rollback Complete. Please use the template in the future.
  16. Rollback Complete
  17. 1. There was a typo in the custom prefix packages, this has now been fixed. 2. Your [P] was removed due purchasing a new prefix. 3. Your prefix/name color has been fixed.
  18. There is a trading station in the spawn shop to gain the Gem helmet.
  19. Rollback Complete
  20. I have looked back on your transactions. You bought DW VIP for €4.99 - July 18, 2018 You bought IC2: Solar Panels Kit for €5.00- July 20, 2018 Upgraded to DW Premium for €4.99 - July 21, 2018 I have reactivated your Premium rank, and your purchased kit. P.S. The Premium rank doesn't have access creative, and I believe it never has.
  21. Next time you are online, please contact a Tekkit staff member, or a Manager on our Discord server. We'll be able to give you the keys from the bundle.
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