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Everything posted by xDrews

  1. Account Name: xDrews_YT Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands: Worldedit Commands in Pure survival. Reason for Request: I really like building and with worldedit i could speed things up. (lie excavating terrain, placing walls, etc)
  2. In-Game Name: xDrews_YT Server (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): ACItem name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!): Enchanted Bow (enchantments in screenshot) Time & Date (Time and Date when you lost the item/s): 21:40, 16.08.2019 Description of Issue (how you lost the items): i made an auction where i sold 64 Mutton, but instead of the mutton my bow disappeared, No one made a bid so ishould get my bow back, but instead i got another piece of mutton into the slot where the bow was Evidence (an old screenshot/video that shows you had the items;Optional): https://imgur.com/a/1yZpRku the screenshot is some weeks old but you can see my skin and my other stuff.
  3. Name: Oliver IGN: xDrews_YT Age: 16 Crafter's Land Servers you play: Network(AC and PureSurvival), and sometimes SF3 Location: Switzerland A short description of yourself: Im a happy person who likes to help others and who likes to be with friends Hobbies and interests: Ganing (Minecraft, Rainbow6Siege and other games except), Photographing, hanging out with friends, and Watching Movies. Discord / Skype Name: DC: xDrews#7171
  4. In Network we have multiple money accounts. Why? Like: - An account in the Lobby wich is also used by Minigames like CTW - An account in Pure survival - An accouns in assassins Craft Also its just possible to transfer money into other gamemodes, but you cant transfer money from gamemodes into the lobby wich is not really making sense. My Suggestions to improve this: - Make a single Bank account on for the whole server, where all your money is stored and you can access it from every gamemode. - Add some Signs to transfer Money into the lobby account (Like the ones to take money from the lobby account). I hope some staff or even Henk/Bruny will read this and maybe change something because it will improve the server i think. Info: Sorry for my bad english
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