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Everything posted by Lemony

  1. I haven't played in a while but I know I purchased claim blocks and chunk loaders and some other things I cant remember, just wondering if there's a way to see exactly what I've bought and if its possible to restore those things
  2. I attempted to log onto the server and I am apparently banned for griefing a protected claim, I believe this was a mistake. My username is _Lemony_ Thank you
  3. Your Name: _Lemony_ Item Name + Amount: Diamond pickaxe, iron pickaxe, iron axe, iron sword, golden backpack (storage emphasis), 20 nickle ore, 64 iron ingot, 64 cobblestone, 23 oak logs, flint and steel, 35 nether quartz, golden apple, 11 ChApCi-Jam, 2 PlApLe-Jam. Coordinates (format x, y, z): x: -2309, y: -167, z: -740 Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: Description of Issue: No gravestone appeared and didn't receive obituary Screenshots (Optional):
  4. Account Name: _Lemony_ Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands^: WorldEdit Reason for Request*: I'm planning on building a fairly big base, wordedit would help speed up the process
  5. Thats my ingame name _Lemony_ My nick is LeMoney right now
  6. Account Name: _Lemony_Rank: Sponsor +Requested Commands^: Worldedit and Time setReason for Request*: Worldedit to help speed up building and time set because certain mods require it to be night/day and it can be tedious to wait.
  7. Can you please look at my rollback request on the direwolf20 1.12.2 technical support forums?

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