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Posts posted by Lemony

  1. In-Game Name: _LeMoney_
    Package Name: Sponsor+, Claim blocks, and worldedit commands
    Server: Revelation
    Proof of Ownership (Optional):

    My IGN when I purchased these was _Lemony_, it has since changed due to having to swap my mojang account to a microsoft account. Im hoping this doesn't cause any issues.

    Thank you!

  2. I haven't played in a while but I know I purchased claim blocks and chunk loaders and some other things I cant remember, just wondering if there's a way to see exactly what I've bought and if its possible to restore those things

  3. Your Name: _Lemony_
    Item Name + Amount: Diamond pickaxe, iron pickaxe, iron axe, iron sword, golden backpack (storage emphasis), 20 nickle ore, 64 iron ingot, 64 cobblestone, 23 oak logs, flint and steel, 35 nether quartz, golden apple, 11 ChApCi-Jam, 2 PlApLe-Jam.
    Coordinates (format x, y, z): x: -2309, y: -167, z: -740 
    Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: 
    Description of Issue: No gravestone appeared and didn't receive obituary
    Screenshots (Optional): 

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