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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. -- Vote crate -- | 32 Wood logs | Iron chest | Builder wand | $500 | Basic backpack | 32 basic ingots ores (iron, coal, uranium, gold [16]) | Iron drum -- Legendary crate -- | ME Drive with 6 16k/4k storage cells | Ore kit [chest with random ores inside] | $2000 | Unbreakable builders wand | Advanced Machine frame | Data circuit | 4 nether stars | 4 emerald drawer upgrades | 1 drop of evil
  2. Lucky

    Power Cells

    RFToolsPower power cells are annoying and problematic, once you unload the chunk the cells has and error and you have to replace them, and Xnet loses its channels sometimes. With that in mind could we possibly have Thermal Expansion energy cells at the Admin shop so we could buy it? I know we can get it from Legendary crates but then we have to get a Legendary key and have a chance to maybe get it.
  3. Garden cloche The Garden Cloche doesn't work with any seed or with any fertilizer. It has water and power but does nothing.
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