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Everything posted by Duc_Lucius

  1. IS it frowned on or covered by rule 20 claim chains of land to form an outer wall and setting outsiders out to control more land? An simple example of this would be you claim land by plots of 3x3 effectivly controlling 9 plots but only claiming 8 if you scaled this up to 4x4 you claim 12 plots and control 16. A town near me is approx 19x45 squared the player claiming 128 plots but controlling over 800. Wouldn't this be bypassing a need to donate or by more plots ? Basicly cheating the server owners out of money. Or is this an accepted town claiming practice ?
  2. Do we need to donate again at same rank to get bonus claim plots for town with the new wipe or do they come at some point ? I guess question would include rank cash as well.
  3. Server seems to be a lag fest even right after a reboot. Had a friend join the server and it took them over an hour of random spawns to find a place to stat a town where ther ewas more then a few plots between towns . I am asking as I am planning a mega build abd dont want to start and a week from now server gets restarted. As a note in the past hour the server has been restarted once and crashed 3 times.
  4. I think its 9.99 euro fer a pero mystcraft world but every thing wipes in a wip includung the myst world so wait till after wipe for a perm
  5. If it happens how long is thee process ?
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