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Everything posted by shiawase1700

  1. Sweet, if you can find a roll back that old, great. if not, that's alright, don't worry about refunding me, the main part of the base I miss is the fantastic ae network I had, it would be a huge pain for me to try to recall the specifics of it and would be a huge pain to set it back up even if I had the parts, so if you can't restore the place I'll just move on without it.
  2. Your Name: nicbasCoordiantes: x-3633 y63 z840 (it extends far below, and there is some stuff on the surface as well. the nearest friendly base is over 100 blocks away, so we owned everything around these coords)Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): december 5th 2018 (a long time ago, see below!)Description of Issue: This is a fairly complicated issue, and as such may not be eligible for rollback, regardless I'll post the entire story here and additional information or proof can be given on request I started playing on the server a few months ago, shortly after I was joined by 2 teamates, Amorianin and Stickofbutter, who also hold claims in this area (the claims are very messy, but i am trusted in all of them or at least I was yesterday.). After a while stick of butter left, and on december 7th, I fell out with amorianin and he stole everything out of our base and griefed it, leaving me with none of my stuff. He moved to some other part of the world with the stuff and won't give any of it back. I stopped playing for a month, now I'm back and would like to play again, I still have my draconic armor in my inventory but ideally I would like the base restored, and all of the claims around it removed so amorianin doesn't grief it again. You will find that the base has been completely abandoned and nobody has touched it since early December. Anyway if the situation is too complicated I understand but I would appreciate having the place reset! thanks!
  3. I've been having a lot of trouble with botania, it started with the pure daisies. They are supposed to take a minute or so to turn logs into living wood but for me it can take a few hours. Anyway now that that is working, my newest issue is that this mana pool won't fill up. With all of the red flowers on the right it should fill enough to craft this diamond in a few minutes but after 2 hours I have no luck, everyhting is bound up and the spreader fires its lazer but it only fills slightly. Tested it in single player and it works as i expect, so I really don't think it's a problem on my end Hopefully someone takes a look at this. Botania isnt a super popular mod but it should work nonetheless. Update: The server tickrate has suddenly and the mod is working sometimes now, albeit a little janky still, it seems to break when the tickrate falls below 15 or so
  4. The tickrate returned to a solid 15-20 today, but the last few hours it has been dipping again, pipes and connectors are breaking again due to low tps. Might want to take another look to see if the TPS is going to completely die again soon.
  5. the trees spawned a massive amount of tile entities on the server in their biomes, those biome chunks have to be reset by a staff member to fix the lag, right now the server has 20,000 tile entites
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