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RazAssassin last won the day on February 16 2019

RazAssassin had the most liked content!

About RazAssassin

  • Birthday 08/31/1995

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  • Interests
    Games/Woodworking and stuff

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  1. I couldn't find anywhere to make a suggestion for discord, But I think it would make somethings a bit easier for staff to identify the current ranks of the players across servers. Just copy/paste the VIP role into a new role for the current vip ranks; also have a special role for the server the have the rank on. P.S. this is just a suggestion don't expect this to actually go through
  2. Change 'Pixelmon Reforged' to 'Pokehaan Craft' Same as Pixelmon Reforged just with added mods to make the pack more enjoyable for the players.
  3. Example:
  4. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your refund request topic.For your topic name, use [Refund Request]*YourName* Your Name: Item Name + ID + Amount: Base Coordinates: Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): Notice! If you are caught lying in your refund request, any further refund requests made by you will be denied unless you provide screenshotted proof of you having the items.
  5. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic. For your topic name, use [Inventory Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Coordinates: Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): Notice! If you remember what items you had, make a refund request instead! If you have gained any advantage (eg. have you had some valuables placed in your inventory that you gained) while you were waiting for your request to be processed, they will ALSO be subjected to reverting, in other words deletion from your inventory! Any complaint, regarding to the loss of your items when an inventory rollback happened, will be DENIED.
  6. in order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your rollback request topic. For your topic name, use [Claim Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Coordinates: Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): NOTE! If any changes (placing any valuable items in your chests, any builds that would occur in your claim in the meantime) would ever happen, they will ALSO be subjected to reverting to its original state.
  7. If you wish for any extra commands for in-game usage, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your Command Request topic.For your topic name, use [Command Request]*YourName* Requirements: No record of any kind of command abuse A donor rank of Sponsor or Sponsor+ A relatively clean ban record Account Name: Rank: Requested Commands^: Reason for Request*: ^ = (Add the node of the commands if you know it so they are easier to add. E.g nucleus.feed.base) * = (Add the reasons for each command you are requesting) Notice! Abuse of permitted commands will result in you having your requested commands revoked with complete denial of granting any future command requests.
  8. Example:
  9. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your buycraft issue topic. For your topic name, use [Buycraft Issue]*YourName* In game name: Proof of Purchase: Description of Issue: Time/Date of Purchase (day/month/year): Items/Rank Bought: Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information: Proof of purchase includes: PayPal Receipts, Transaction ID, and The Confirmation Email you receive
  10. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your claim removal topic. For your topic name, use [Claim Removal]*NameOfClaimOwner* Your Name: Claim Leaders Name: Coordinates of claim (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374) : Claim members: Reason for request: Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended): Commands: /seen <player> - This commands lets you see when the player was last online /claiminfo - This commands lets you see the claim members. Notice! Claims will not be open to raid, the chunks will be regenerated to their original state and when that has happened, only then the claim will be removed. For a claim to be eligible to be removed all members of the claim need to have an inactivity of 1-2 months (this time interval can depend on the sort of situation that is being dealt with). This does not guarantee a claim wipe and the call is always up for staff to decide. IF you are a staff member requesting a town removal DO NOT show a printscreen of the /seen command. IP-addresses should be private.
  11. Overview + Guidelines: Unfortunately if you are reading this post, it's probably due to you being banned. Follow the directions that are provided to you in this post for a successful appeal. Copy & paste this model into your appeal and fill out its contents before posting. Make sure that all fields are properly filled and try not to leave any of them blank. Instructions to Follow: [unban Model Below] Topic Title Should Be: [unban] [username here] [Copy Paste All Below and use it in your Unban Appeal Topic] [1] In-Game Username: -(Answer in this line)- [2] Details of Situation: -(Answer in this line)- [3] Ban Category: -(Answer in this line)- [4] Ban Duration: -(Answer in this line)- [5] Staff Member: -(Answer in this line)- [6] ScreenShots: -(Answer in this line)- [7] Your Reason: -(Answer in this line)- Good Luck, ~Community Managers. ~DDSS Staff
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