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Everything posted by Katsumax

  1. The skin works! However, I just found out that my vault reset to level 1 (Was previously level 2) and everything from it is gone. I don't recall having many items in it, probs just a couple of common horses and mules. And that also my whole balance reset, since I just sold 2 pieces of gold, some iron and some coal and now I have 9k, exactly as much as only that is worth... I don't know how you can check to see how much I had before, but I certainly didn't have 0. As long as the monetary problem can get fixed, I couldn't care less about the vault
  2. Right. My IGN is Katsumax. Thanks for showing interest in this problem! I know it's pretty small, but can be pretty annoying if you're so used to your skin
  3. Unfortunately no, I still can't see my skin
  4. I just joined the Assassins server and my skin isn't showing up. I tried restarting my Minecraft several times without any success. I have a legit Minecraft account, fully paid, not cracked and this skin problem really bothers me because I got so used to my skin that I can't even play right with the normal Alex/Steve skin showing all the time. I would really appreciate any help/suggestions that may solve this problem. On other servers my skin is working fine, just tested it out because I thought the problem was from my side, but apparently not.
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