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Everything posted by Encryptor

  1. Hello, from now on I will host PvP tournaments every sunday, if you're interested please have a look: Tourney sheet and rules The picture of the colosseum is in #Minecraft_creations on the CL discord. If you'd like to see it personally let me know in-game I'd love this to be official, but chances are slim so lets make our own fun right?
  2. I agree with this! we get quite a bit of $$ because we can vote with 4x the rewards, but its pretty pointless on a normal vote day to spend all your money on 5 or 6 blocks. Please make them more worth buying
  3. This will be a long post as most of my suggestions often are, but I assure you its worth consideration and a read. First of all, my idea basically is to add a PvP space in the world it could be very very far away in the overworld dimension so players won't be near it, or utilizing another space/dimension to create this space. It could be just that a space, but if you see fit to go the extra mile you could make a very nice decorated area with griefing off so it couldn't be destroyed. Why you, the server owners want this: 1. Main reason first and foremost is player retention, imagine this common case: a player joins finishes all quests/gets bored of all the PvE stuff and then leaves without spending a penny. By giving them a reason to keep playing which would be the PvP area you would keep the players occupied for longer increasing the chances that they'd donate to your server to either help them out or just because they feel its deserved. Players who quit early don't make money. 2. New player gains. It's no secret that the more players that join your server the more paying players will pop up, and by expanding into the PvP side of the audience, you can obtain players who wouldn't have normally joined as they love the PvP aspect of modded Minecraft more. Hell, some players like both and may not join because the server lacks one or the other. Having a PvP area means you get both types of audience the players that play PvE and the players who'd participate in the optional PvP environment. 3. Satisfaction for making the server better. This isn't a monetary gain, but I do hope it is valued as well. Working hard setting up and creating a area were players can choose freely to participate in PvP or not and seeing them happy or being thanked would surely but a smile on my face. How it would work: Before I get into this part, my word isn't final everything can be changed and set out how you see fit, these are just my thoughts on this proposition. 1. The area would most likely have a no grief rule around it, so that people can not dig or blow up anything inside. That way if you so choose you can ask dedicated builders to make a amazing environment for fighting. 2. Implement a teleporter at spawn or a /warp. So that people have easy access to this and feel as if its an optional part in the game. 3. This one is most up to the admins, but you can make it a free for all area and call it quits or you can create events and stuff to encourage players to at least try and PvP. For example; you could also integrate guild content into this say, at the end of every week the guild leaderboard gets awarded (based on kill:death ratio) getting prizes not normally obtainable in PvE such as crate keys, money or even some creative items (within reason) 3a. Having Kill:death ratio rewards is best as people/guilds get rewarded for skillful play not how long they can stay in the arena and kill others. This would make the guild aspect more fun as well as players try to improve themselves and help fellow members so that they can become more competitive. Competition makes the game fun when you have nothing else to do. Problems, and why they won't be actual problems: 1. 'But people with infinity armor and weapons would always win' ban it from the area. It's that simple, make it a official rule that infinity gear cannot be used inside the arena and if people violate that rule they'll be punished. Catching culprits would not be hard at all, all it would take is someone to screenshot a guy flying in infinity armor and post it on discord. official ruling + very easy to get caught means that most likely these cases will not exist or be extremely rare. 2. 'But people can still make red matter and ichor armor' yes, and? 1, this area will be made with mid-end tier players in mind. And 2, there are more ways to kill than protect yourself for example a fully sharpened rapier would work, draconic weaponry would work etc. Therefore the players who can strategize, are good in PvP and prepare their equipment will succeed in this area. 3. 'I always get killed, and its not fun' PvP isn't for every one. This would be an optional place were if you don't want to, you don't have to go. We don't see servers stripping away PvE content because the PvPers feel its boring. If its fun for some, then there is reason to create it. (Side note: RazAssassin, one of your staff members said this today in chat something along the lines of: 'I finished the whole pack, so I just sit at spawn now' that is basically the finale for every player, having something to do that you can't grind your way out off like PvP would introduce more fun for your staff as well and keep them more entertained) On a final note, I really hope this goes into consideration as having played minecraft servers for 4-5 years myself PvE, adventure, PvP and anarchy servers included and running a server of my own at one point I strongly believe this being implemented would benefit everyone equally players and admins alike. Feel free to ask in-depth questions or worries you may have about this I'm willing to debate the idea. If you would like a personal discussion here is my discord: Encryptur#3198 Hope you've read carefully and I'm looking forward to a response, thanks for taking the time to read .
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