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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (4/26)



  1. Hello. :3 The DDSS Server is currently one of the biggest Servers Craftersland has. The amount of players playing is big, but so is the lag. On Events like the Bloodmoon the Game is totally unplayable. The Server restarts a lot because the massive lags that are always around. Some Players can't even get online sometimes. We really need help, these lags are terrible. We are hoping that you find a solution to help us out. Have a good day. ? ~cKasune
  2. I cant sell up to 9 items. But i should bc i am Premium. Would be nice if someone fixed that!
  3. Thats the problem: https://imgur.com/a/wPLL3Gz
  4. Hey Ramma. I dont need Claimblocks. I already claimed everything i need. The problem is that i cant do subdivide Claim anymore. Thats bad because i cant make new subdivisions where my City members can live on.
  5. I got a city. I deleted almost every other claim but still i can not subdivide more claims in my city. Thats a problem because i still have Free Plots but no way to sell them. I did 8 times subdivide claim but i still need to do this 7 times more.
  6. Your Name:cKasuneCoordinates: X:2270 Y:64 Z:4040Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 03.08.2019 03:50 GMT+2Description of Issue: I teleportet out of the border, died, and lost all my items. (at X:4963 Z:5179) If the items are still there you could just fly there, pick them up and give them to me Screenshots (Optional):
  7. I found out that it should be possible to add a Jetpack to my Elytren but there seems no way to craft it. I would be very thankfull if you guys would add a way to get that. Maybe at the Spawnshop or something.
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