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Undertakerin last won the day on September 19 2023

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Undertakerin's Achievements

  1. Your Name: Undertakerin Island Owner Name: Undertakerin Coordinates: x -43773, z 33012, y 65 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): march 9 or march 10 2025 evening time germany (CEST) Description of Issue: something weird happened to my island as when you tp there you're crashing (see screen) Screenshots (Optional): screen borrowed from zushi:
  2. Account Name: Undertakerin Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: /time set, /skull, /enchant, /gm 3, /god, /give, /fly, /anvil Reason for Request*: - time set - sometimes you need night for example the astral sorcery - skull - to give a specific skull when you need one for deco, etc. - enchant - to enchant an item without using tons of books - gm 3 - to go invis and to check things in the farms, etc. without demolishing the farm, etc. - god - explains itself? - give - to give an item - fly - mine somehow got removed from the rank or got turned off somehow -.- i can only fly with armor - anvil - to use an anvil while you're anywhere --- and yes i know not to abuse it and not to use often and don't cause lags with it ---
  3. Your Name: Undertakerin Coordinates: around these coords: x: -43773, z: 33005 y: 75 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 24. september 2023 between 11 pm - 11:59 pm utc + 2 / gmt + 2 (german timezone) Description of Issue: i carried a wrong chest with too much items inside as i cleaned up my island a bit from old chests Screenshots (Optional): -
  4. crap, i wish i would knew why exactly they're broken, but pls let it open until it may gets fixed and my island got rolled back, i hope it's not too late when the fix comes.
  5. ye, but only a manager can do rollbacks, so you have to wait for a manager to do it.
  6. i'm not staff from rlcraft, but in general what you've described in your first post was x-ray hack to find ores or dungeons. but for that, you've been observed from a staffer and you must had it on to find specific ores or maybe dungeons. i would say it was your own fault if the x-ray was on, even if your friend did it, you could have disabled it or googled the mod's name to find out what this mod does or you could've deleted from the mods folder. i'm not jebac to judge, if he saw it you were using x-ray, then the ban was ok, cause we have rules and one of them says using hackclients/mods is not allowed, so you have to wait until you get auto unbanned. you can also come to discord and talk to him about the ban: https://discord.com/invite/RexFCWu here are the rules, rule 1:
  7. Your Name: Undertakerin Island Owner Name: Undertakerin Coordinates: near this coords: x: -43914, z: 33013 y: 2 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): between 0:00 am and 01:00am (at night), august 20/21 utc+2 Description of Issue: i removed parts of my island cause of a person (dvdfirstboy) who perma complaint about me that i cause all the server lags, but the lags are still there, my island was checked by 3 managers, they found nothing, so i want to rollback my island, cause it's not me who causes perma lags, it's general lag. Screenshots (Optional): thx in advance
  8. issue was solved through happynox closed
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