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tigin88 last won the day on October 19 2022

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  1. I cannot find your username in Nomifactory. What server are you trying to get a reset for?
  2. I have reset your character. T/C
  3. Unfortunately, we've encountered a problem with accessing the backups at the moment, which means a rollback is not currently possible. However, we've taken immediate action and have informed the owner of the situation. Our team is working diligently to resolve the issue and restore access to the backups as soon as possible. We will keep the owner updated and will perform the rollback once we have access to the necessary resources. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your understanding. I will post here as soon as i am able to complete this rollback or have further information.
  4. Refund completed. Sorry for the delay.
  5. I have refunded your items and placed them in your inventory. Let me know if you need anything else.
  6. Yes absolutely. I will do that for you.
  7. I completed your refund request. T/C
  8. I have removed the claim. T/C
  9. Hello please use this template instead. Your Name: Claim Owner Name: Coordinates: Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): It is helpful to me know when things were fine and to locate your base. I will happily rollback your base to when things were okay. Thank you.
  10. Your Name: tigin88 Town Name: tigindustries Coordinates: -2305 -4347 58 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 08/02 10 am mst Description of Issue: I had a town rollback but I emptied my inventory while being griefed. Screenshots (Optional
  11. I would like to follow up with a request to rollback my inventory. I emptied my inventory when this was going on and it is still empty. A the info is the same. I can create a new topic if necessary.
  12. Your Name: tigin88 Town Name: tigindustries Coordinates: -2305 -4347 58 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 08/02 10 am mst Description of Issue: somebody emptied my chests and threw everything on the ground. Screenshots (Optional
  13. I will look into that. What is your minecraft player name?
  14. I have completed your refund and added the items to your inventory.
  15. Your refund has been completed. Your items have been added to your inventory.
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