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Everything posted by SuB_ZoiD

  1. x-ultimate reloaded admin here, and i can see that this server community is very disfunctional... I strongly suggest to add prompts as follows: 1. "-playername- has joined the game" upon old players joining. 2. "Please welcome -playername to the server" for new players. this will promote some sort of interaction between players, and show new players that the server is not dead. Good luck, SuB_ZoiD
  2. Please check my previous comment: “The prices I have there are only a suggestion and are of no reliable background, I'll change them once i know all the prices on the server.” Since I’ve been really busy with work I was never able to fix any prices up there, and also think its more of a staff task to make sure its reasonable pricing. If you can get enough staff involved in this thread maybe they’ll fix the prices suggested, and then this will actually be feasible.
  3. Excel sheet template is ready! (link below) The prices I have there are only a suggestion and are of no reliable background, I'll change them once i know all the prices on the server. Anyone with the link and who has been selling items for a while, can edit and add his own column with his own suggested prices. To avoid confusion, the values in the average column are the ones that are going to be used, once the excel sheet is 100% ready. Please feel free to add items and prices only as needed. Please note that this is only a minimum price list, so once its effective, no item shall be sold below the minimum prices Excel sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l5_Sbd6WBHhxAp5wY1R9yfv_fQ_IAMJfEpmkbWHzXpE/edit?usp=sharing
  4. So I have been on the server for a month now and have had so much trouble trying to buy what i need from spawn or from other players and here's why: 1- Item not available at spawn shop or market. 2- Players online don't have it and/or are not cooperating. 3- After finding that person who has the item, he's never sure of how much to money to ask for, and neither am i sure how much to pay. Therefore, I believe some fixes can be made to maintain an ongoing economy, and make sure the money is holding its worth, that is: 1- Have an excel sheet (which I'm willing to provide a template for) listing all the prices for the most sold/demanded items on the server. 2- Have a huge shop land with a designated warp ( /warp shops), where players can buy plots (small, medium, or large plot) and build their own shops. These shops will auto-refill eliminating the need to constantly restock the market. And this of course will keep late game players around for a while because they want to see their shops flourish. If this was accomplished it will definitely boost the server's performance, as: 1- People will want to buy more money, ranks, etc. since its worth is predetermined by the excel sheet. 2- Even if no on is online, you'll still be able to buy what you need. I mean, its only fair that you always find a source to buy ie. titanium early in the game. Regardless how many players are online. 3- Late game players will be forced to stay around because now they have an obligation, they are providing for the server! 4- New comers are always more likely to stay around when they know they have that resource security. Really hope this gets implemented. SuB_ZoiD
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