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Posts posted by Primal_Dark

  1. IGN: Primal_Dark

    Package: Premium +

    Server: DDSS



    Side note: I'd like to upgrade to sponsor but for some reason I don't get the reduced prices on the DDSS buycraft rank page as I should for it being an upgrade rather than an outright rank purchase. I'll wait and see if the reactivation changes that.

  2. 12+ months is too long. Lag will be bad in the beginning with /fly and crate creative jetpacks loading chunks in other dimensions but overall issues will be reduced. (Possibly pregen twilight if file size isn't an issue?)

    I'd quit a long time ago due to portions of my home repeatedly getting wiped during server lag spikes and got tired of asking for refunds. 

    Its definitely in the community's best interest to restart for performance and the modified worldgen that's come in the last few updates. 

    As hard as it can be to let go of a base and hard work, it needs to happen. 

    Looking forward to DDSS on a clean slate and bumping myself up to supporter. 

  3. In-game Name: Primal_Dark
    Rank: Premium +
    Current Server:  Revelations
    New Server:  Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles
    Proof of Ownership (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/rXtXmBB

    I'd love it if you were able to transfer my Premium+ rank from Revelations over to my new primary server, DDSS so I can enjoy my perks there instead.

    Since I'm also a VIP rank on DDSS it would be amazing if I could have that rank swapped to Revelations, if that's not too much of a pain. It would allow me to maintain my extra /sethome locations on that map. It's not a big deal though.

    Thanks for reading and taking the time and consideration to my request.


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