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Everything posted by Thatcrazyflykindaguy

  1. Additional item needed to be listed. Item refunded Topic Reclosed.
  2. Items Refunded T/C
  3. Keys Refunded T/C
  4. Items refunded. T/C
  5. Your going to need to list the items what was on them etc on everything. Or you can ask this topic to be closed and redo it as a rollback request.
  6. Items refunded. T/C
  7. There are no black dragon eggs. As ice and fire despite having a blackish looking dragon is considered grey. Egg refunded. T/C
  8. I'm not saying its harder for new players. The only thing i'm really contesting is that its being said to be completly looted. As that would be a falsehood. With no border its pretty much next to impossible for it to be completly looted. I'm not against the regular wiping of this zone. If they want to add it to the monthly i'm all for it. I just find it funny people will exaggerate things like saying its all looted when its not. The situation in this case doesn't have to be exaggerated. The main problem is newer players will more than likely die ten or more times before finding unlooted lands. A subproblem would be those wanting to play the market game will find themselves forever traveling outwards. The other upside to this would be that if we wipe it on a weekly or monthly basis. Anyone who had a beckon farm get out of hand will know that it'll get wiped if no staff can come help'm regulate the area.
  9. Item Refunded T/C
  10. The Lost cities dimension doesn't have a border. Therefore it can't be fully looted. I have a spot where i'm around 80-90k in one direction and still finding stuff. It would be nice though if it was added to the reset rotation so that people don't have to try to figure out how many tens to hundreds of thousands of blocks out they gonna have to travel.
  11. I will refund it this time but the version of ice and fire rlcraft is currently on has visual glitches with the hatching process. The ice eggs are effected by this glitch way more than fire dragons. Ur egg was still there going thru the hatching process. The moment tho that that chunk unloads the egg is then despawned. Next time this is what you do ask someone you trust or staff if they are on if they can come to your location. After the person arrives tp away and back. The egg should reappear. Topic/Closed
  12. Item has been refunded T/C
  13. Item Refunded T/C
  14. I don't do rollbacks but i would like to know which staff member killed you as the only admin for RLcraft at this time is Asood and he's been without, anyway to log in for over a month.
  15. Closing topic as it was asked for by the topic creator here
  16. This has been refunded. T/C
  17. Not really hard to find materials so no need for gm. Also if you need lots of materials fast look into lycanite tools as the pickaxe and shovel tools are super op.
  18. Far as I know any server running a vote crate plugin has had this issue. I doubt we will see a fix for this as I beleive the owners of both the vote crate plugin and varied commodities at least for 1.12.2 retired. 'Edit: Also Shivaxi primarily focuses on singleplayer aspects, he does some multiplayer stuff but all he started using on his testing servers that i know of. Is claims, a sleeping plugin, and maybe one or two others. So doubt we will see any vote crate support from Shivaxi's anytime soon sadly.' The barrels still work just keep in mind the barrels have a bit of a visual bug and the more you have the more lag u and others will experience. For example I once last year had a base with over 500 barrels cause i'm a hoarder. My PC handled it like a champ. My laptop lagged horribly and people with lower end machines than my laptop would nearly outright crash. The other thing is that as you use more barrels it will look like the items are disappearing they are still there u just have to reenter the barrel. I personnally tho am starting to like some of the new cabinets we got here in 2.9.1.
  19. They have indeed not been on for awhile. Claim removal approved. Topic closed.
  20. Veber asks some good questions there collins let us know please and thank you! Also you can set the ram to a higher amount if u have it to spare just don't go past 10gb of ram as that'll mess things up on your end. Only servers should go past that amount. Also even tho java is supposed to come with the modpack make sure you have java installed and that its 64bit.
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