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Everything posted by Thatcrazyflykindaguy

  1. Video evidence was presented via discord. File is to big to upload here. Mobs refunded. T/C
  2. Person did not have items in there inventory or ender chest. ugset_ who filed the complaint has requested that it be closed. T/C
  3. I've seen stuff similar to this the only problem has been when i'm in the end for a lycanite event. They never spawn in these crazy amounts. Whether it be cinders or one of the other events. Whenever I see this many and they don't despawn after 5 minutes i'm always sus about how they really got there. His pc crashing tho is still more than likely a him thing as even with that many cinders/other lycanite mobs from other events the server doesn't tend to crash.
  4. That would be a you problem thing as it sounds like your computer can't handle the event the server handles them fine.
  5. Sticky is disabled on the server mobs can't yank your items. Refund Denied. T/C
  6. Your dragon egg has been refunded. Keep in mind the version of ice and fire we are currently on has visual glitches. THe egg may have still been there. What you can do is ask someone u trust to come to the area to keep it loaded in. Then either relog or go to /spawn and then /back. If you try to do this without someone the chunk will unload and delete your dragon egg. The other option is to go ahead and wait up to 5 min if nothing happens after that the egg has been yeeted for whatever reason. T/C
  7. I apologize i seem to have clicked your previous two links at some point. Next time though you do not need to make additional posts, after 2 days have past, you can just add a comment to your original post with bump to bring it back to the top. I probably didn't have time or got distracted by other stuff. I won't make you do it this time as i've already reread the previous posts. Next time though please outline your post closer to this please and thank you!
  8. duplicate post
  9. I don't do rollbacks but i'm sure when asood sees this the first question would be. How did u get teleported into the void? And why didn't u use /home, /spawn, or /rtp to get out of it as the void does not insta kill. Edit: Just for perspective i jumped into the void and as i remembered from over a year ago. It slowly ticked 1 heart to .5 of a heart i had plenty of time to use a command to get out of the possibility of death.
  10. I got your discord message sorry for the delay. Items Refunded. T/C Edit: A sidenote as i'm sure u will ask about it. Fire aspect is not on the weapon because another enchant is stopping it from going on. Not sure how u had it done previously but i was unable to add that one enchant.
  11. Thank you for editing it. I have been dming u in discord. I noticed you only named the quality line on one item and was just curious if you remembered what it was on the others? If you don't thats fine.
  12. Duplicate post. Locking.
  13. You seem to be misunderstanding how to use the template. The templates are guidelines to how to fill out your request. so for example your titles doesn't have to have Template on it just refund request. You are then supposed to use the template thats shown on the page of the template while filling out your refund. It is good in this part to go ahead and copy the bold parts from your name to the part with screenshots and then input all the information into each relative spot. If u edit the above to look like the template then we will proceed forward.
  14. Item refunded. T/C
  15. The void does not one shot kill. It takes a few hearts at a time with that kind of armor. Refund Decline. As person had more than ample time to use /home, /spawn, and/or /warp to avoid death in the first place. T/C
  16. Alright sorry for the late post. The aesthetic changes I wanted to make to the arena took a little longer than I predicted but they are done. The Tourney will be at 9pm central standard time this time. It will be diamond tourney again since the last diamond tourney was canceled due to, to much confusion in the stands with fighting. That being said if that happens this time around anyone and potentially everyone who is Fighting in the stands will be immediatly hit with Server rule 2. The only people who should be throwing down are those who are about to battle inside the arena not in the stands. The above being said the only stuff that spectators should be bringing is some water and food. Only armor that any spectator should be wearing should have something to do with hot or cold temperatures. Also if you decide to bring your items to the arena instead of leaving them at home you will be forfeit of both a refund and rollback request should anything happen to them. If you are participating ensure you have around 1 hour of time for the tourney (the time will be different based on how many are competing if its around 10 it will take around 30min to an hour). Last time we literally had every victor of there first round quit. You do not join a tourney for one round of pvp folks. If u can't stay for it thats fine don't sign up please. I will be trying to pick a day on the weekend for people to just duel so that people with less time can still use the arena. Now if you are Participating!! What do you need to bring? nothing empty out your inventory and bauble slots.Everything will be provided to you the weapons, armor, and even a potion of normalization if you are something other than human. Are there any requirements? Yes you need to be able to wear and use diamond grade weapons and armor. Sir what are the prizes I need to know the loots that is up for grabs!?!?!?!! First place prize is a set of golem armor with your choice of one of the 4 race rings shown, a neptunium ingot and 8 xp tomes! Second place is a set of ice dragon armor along with 6 xp tomes! Third place is a set of fire dragon armor along with 3 xp tomes! If the time is to late for you this time don't fret I will be preparing next thursday for a 2 tourney day. Probably a redo of iron and diamond brackets or one will be unenchanted dragon tier. I havn't decided yet. Since the arena as far as i'm concerned is pretty much finished we shouldn't have anymore building delays. I can focus more on procuring more prizes.
  17. I am definitly wanting to see more events the primary problem for me is i don't consider myself that awesome of a builder. The pvp arena was constructed by wargod and i've been modifying it. Technically a basic design. I have been trying to encourage players to start up there own events as they mainly need staff to supervise the event. Of the ones you listed above i'm definitly down for some parkour as we have enchants that make it interesting. We had a guy with a parkour course but he's inactive atm. Was a doable course if you had the enchants. I've been hoping for perhaps some maze events, treasure hunting events, the obstacle challenge sounds interesting especially with all the stuff we can use in rlcraft to make the challenges, and i've been debating on either making myself or asking someone to make a king of the hill spot and/or a free for all arena where we can get 10-20 people and just let'm loose for chaotic fighting. Atm i have thursdays off here in the states, central time zone, I also don't have to be into work till 4pm cst on saturdays and sundays so if ur wanting to do it over the weekend anytime before 3pm would be good. If you do build something for an event and/or want to but don't want to host it. Just send me some dms via discord and we'll work out the event, rules, prizes, etc, and then i can host and oversee it. Keep in mind I haven't confirmed this yet but i have heard that the prize limit cannot exceed 10k. I will see if this is true over the next week or two and see if i can convince them to raise it to 20-50kish as most of us on the server know prices flux and some drop and never really come back up. That would at least give a bit more flexibility to the prizes between upgraded weapons/armor and outright cash prizes. I do not beleive this counts any secondary sources for example if prizes were already listed and someone not part of the event setup goes "i'll give first place 50k", I beleive at this time then that would be fine. I will get a confirmation on that as well just in case.
  18. One was already in discord and luckily i had this page up before everything broke and snippeted the other one. CheatingDoctor has been punished according to the rules. Toxic has made a refund post via discord.
  19. If you are going for your VIP role in discord you need to post that picture in the technical support section of the discord, not the forums, please and thank you.
  20. Negative. Some of the things you can do tho is make a set of baubles with the arcane quality this will make mana regen faster. You could also carry mana candy or mana gems. Also max out your mana if you havn't already, the max is 500 with dragon ring/gem.
  21. Items refunded T/C
  22. Eligible Items Refunded T/C
  23. I see if you look at your first post you forgot to mention the mending book was on the ankh shield. Thank you for answering my questions. The ankh shield with advanced mending, and the red dragon egg will be in your inventory shortly. If the dwarf ring was never refunded you will need to talk to cataclysm_cat. As she was the one that responded to the original post on it. She goes by that name gameside and craftersland discord side.
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