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DukeOfTheBLVD last won the day on November 22 2023

DukeOfTheBLVD had the most liked content!

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DukeOfTheBLVD's Achievements

  1. Your Name: DukeOfTheBLVD Cave Owner Name: DukeOfTheBLVD Coordinates: 0 0 0 Dimension Name: ftbsbc;team/snicker-eudaemon-aphides FC: 0 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4:00 am GMT / Dec 2 Description of Issue: Player Ggamer griefed cave, was claimed, and Ggamer was at no point given trust permissions. (There is a discord ticket submitted by TentacleMonster, cave mate, these are the same incident, only one needs resolved.) Screenshots (Optional): too large
  2. Your Name: DukeOfTheBLVD Cave Owner Name: DukeOfTheBLVD Coordinates: 0 0 0 Dimension Name: ftbsbc;team/snicker-eudaemon-aphides FC: 0 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:15 AM GMT 11/21/2023 Description of Issue: Quarried my base into a trashcan. Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Claim transferred.
  4. I dont see your grave at nether spawn. Ping in server discord https://discord.gg/ymVpcj75 or reply here when you are next online. Discord would work faster to notify me.
  5. I'll be on in about 6 hours, I can retrieve them for you.
  6. I would try to roll back to 1.12. Post here with the result, and we'll go from there if it do not fix.
  7. It happens, things like that can in fact be aggravating, I understand, no worries. I'm just glad you revisited the forum and can now enjoy 2.5.
  8. They are not disabled for SF2.5, but rather a failure on JEI to load the recipe sometimes. Have you tried to craft it with a google searched recipe?
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