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  1. I've been waiting for this post to pop up for quite some time . Dw20 builders assemble!!! it's time to rebuild.
  2. Hello friends. Recently i have been Building a place where new players can gather and make their early game a bit more smooth, with this in mind the Crafter´s Land public workshop was born. The Crafter´s Land public workshop for now as the following machines opened for everyone to use: Pulverizer Redstone furnace Sawmill Induction Smelter Compactor Magma Crucible Fluid Transposer Igneous Extruder Glacial precipitator Energetic Infuser Phytogenic Insolator Alchemical Imbuer Arcane Ensorcellator Centrifugal Separator Fractionating Still Enhanced Sag Mill Enhanced Alloy Smelter Soul Binder Slice´N´Splice Enchanter All Thermal expansion machines are fully upgraded (Resonant - full augments installed), Ender IO machines equipped with octadic Capacitors. The Crafter´s Land public workshop is located on the left side of /spawn -> coord x:-232, z:-59, y:70 The link contains some screenshots of the workshop https://imgur.com/a/j69v7Bu I would like to request if possible, the creation of a warp /workshop or some kind of mention at spawn to the existence of the workshop so new players can use it(a simple sign post should do it). I hope you all enjoy my creation. Peace o/
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