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Posts posted by AdmSirRed

  1. Your Name: AdmSirRed
    Coordinates:  X-9502 Z-4395 Y69
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 8pm Pacific standard time
    Description of Issue: Claim was destroyed by dragons. No proof for who. There are craters all over and all the buildings have been partially demolished.
    Screenshots (Optional

  2. Fly and I where talking and another idea we came up with was the idea of new vote crates.

    This would be 1 new normal and 1 new legendary (maybe mythic even?) These would be building supply only crates and would give people the choice of using a chest that has gear and items like we have now, or for those who have no use for any of those, they could instead just get building materials like the cave crystals, coral, harder to get items like glowstone or other specific lantern types. Plenty of room for variety in something like this.

    Legend crates having the even harder to obtain things etc.

  3. So, the server resets about once a year due partly to a buildup of claims of people never coming back or due to resources being farmed out or locations being destroyed for one reason or another. (lycanites events etc) 


    I was wondering if it is possible for a person, or position be made dedicated to the preservation and cleaning of the overworld by regenerating parts of the overworld as an alternative to resetting the entire world once a year. My thoughts would be to preserve larger builds of people (yea like me, am biased) for longer periods of time as well as allowing more long term development. 


    Not sure if its possible to reset players separate of the world for things like rebalancing players and the market once a year. 


    either way I think it would make the server more interesting in the long run and add to the exploration nature of it if something like this is possible.

  4. Your Name: AdmSirRed (filing for request and needing a rollback)

    EvilCashew83008 Also needing a rollback but cant access forums. We where killed about the same time.

    Coordinates:  X-9498 Z-4401 Y68


    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Time things where fine was at 6 PM Pacific standard time. This was for both me and Evil.


    Description of Issue: EvilCashew83008 and I where setting up an area far away for him to have a safe home away from those causing him trouble. Before we had set up a claim to it mrbobski was invited by Cashew to it, shortly after this  _Kurb_  teleproted in as invisible and killed cashew and then myself taking almost all of our items. (curse of possession items also dropped and did not seem to work)

    Screenshots (Optional):

    After cashews death i was spamming /near to see who it was nearby to either teleport in or kill us.


    https://ibb.co/q9H33GK   This shows my death by kurb. I was not able to get cashews death since i did the /near spam






    [Claim Rollback Request] * EvilCashew83008 

    Your Name:
     AdmSirRed (filing on behalf of EvilCashew83008  since he cannot access forums)
    Coordinates: x194 z 1369 y 76    Also cords x 222 z 1368 y72

    Two separate claims as far as I can see.

    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 1 /23 /2022 at 3 PM Pacific Standard Time

    Description of Issue:  Claim was grief by others spawning dragons onto his claim to destroy it.

    Screenshots (Optional)










    In-Game Nickname: Scarlxd

    Time and date: Ongoing for the last 2 weeks.

    Description of what happened: Problems began with him duping items to rapidly grow and build up his friends and then developed into him killing people around the server. The biggest issue is his constant harassments and killing of newer players to the point that they cannot really grow. Every time one takes a single step off their claim to explore, or expand, or move from one claim to another he kills them. He is often camping around peoples claims to kill them and has targeted a few newer players specifically and has killed them multiple times right off their claim. On top of this he has been an over negative and Toxic member of the server and is sucking the enjoyment out of it for myself even if he is not directly impacting me.

    EvilCashew83008 is a player he has repeatedly camped and killed right off his claim, mere blocks from it.

    Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com)


    List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)







    If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one!

    Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.

  7. What is going on with the lost cities and all the chests being empty? It seems that sometimes there is loot but the vast majority of the time there is none. Other people also seem to be able to find loot as well but I cant seem to figure out how to get the loot to actually spawn.



  8. In-Game Name: AdmSirRed

    Package Name: 

    2x claim blocks on 8-23-2020

    2x claim blocks on 7-18-2021

    2x +6 chunkloaders and 2x Claim blocks on 8-14-2021

    Server: RLCraft

    Proof of Ownership (Optional):

    • Sub Total: 5.98 EUR
    • Tax: 0.00 EUR
    • Total: 5.98 EUR
    • Gateway: PayPal
    • Transaction ID: 4F9383942T2828239
    • Username: AdmSirRed

    Date: 23rd August 2020 11:29


    • Sub Total: 12.71 EUR
    • Tax: 0.00 EUR
    • Total: 12.71 EUR
    • Gateway: PayPal
    • Transaction ID: 8MM184350S434742J
    • Username: AdmSirRed

    Date: 18th July 2021 15:07


    • Sub Total: 17.96 EUR
    • Tax: 0.00 EUR
    • Total: 17.96 EUR
    • Gateway: PayPal
    • Transaction ID: 65629812XM451723L
    • Username: AdmSirRed

    Date: 14th August 2021 19:38



  9. I want to encourage people to post hear if they are in favor with this being removed.

    These events cause a lot of problems on the server which is very discouraging to have to work around.

    The mass amounts of mobs spawn end up creating a bunch of lag.

    The other major issue is some events grief players builds. this is a major one and is a huge deterrent from people wanting to actually build up on the server. The fire based ones and nether based ones destroy any wood and sometimes even cobble structures.

    please post hear to try and get the admins attention to get this terrible part of the game removed. (it is possible since the first iteration did NOT have these stupid events.)


    https://ibb.co/5cs3PcP Example of part of our base being ruined by a stupid event. 


  10. This is for replacement of key items lost when I died in a player claim to a player spike 

    Coordinates: X5538 Z 3614 Y64
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 0835 AM Pacific standard time
    Description of Issue: I died to what seems to be a creative trap and my grave stone was overwritten. I got no key for my grave and my tombstone never appeared so I lost everything I had on me.
    Screenshots (Optional)


    The items that I would like replaced are as follows.


    Time in a bottle with 30 Hours

    Diamatine Helm


    Diamatine Chestplate


    Diamatine Leggings



    All the stats where identical to the amours i screenshotted above EXCEPT for the Soulbound. That does not need to be on the armour.


    The Armors where made with a Diamatine Core, Green Sea Serpent Trim and Restonia Plates

    1 fully upgraded backpack from Improved backpacks mod.  (diamond upgrade)


    I lost much more but this is all that I can really recall of my items in any detail. 



  11. Your Name: AdmSirRed
    Coordinates: X5538 Z 3614 Y64
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 0835 AM Pacific standard time
    Description of Issue: I died to what seems to be a creative trap and my grave stone was overwritten. I got no key for my grave and my tombstone never appeared so I lost everything I had on me.
    Screenshots (Optional): 

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