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Everything posted by cataclysm_cat

  1. Player has been punished according to rules. Items have been returned. Topic Closed.
  2. Item refunded. Topic closed.
  3. Items refunded to inventory. Please make sure to follow refund request template in the future. Topic closed.
  4. Item refunded. Topic closed.
  5. Items refunded. Topic Closed.
  6. Item refunded. Topic Closed.
  7. Items refunded to players' inventory. Topic Closed.
  8. Please follow the rollback request template by copying and pasting the bold text in a new topic and filling them in:
  9. Claim removed. Topic Closed.
  10. Please follow the template for refund request and describe more in detail of the incident.
  11. Item Refunded. Topic Closed.
  12. Thanks Eytixis. Topic Closed.
  13. Player solved their problem. Topic Closed.
  14. I can confirm that I trust this person and have gotten to know them well...they are helpful and knowledgeable and a joy to play with. Cataclysm_cat Approved. Hopefully it will get approved!
  15. Item Refunded. Please make sure to check where you died if it comes out of your inventory after respawning. Topic Closed.
  16. Items refunded. Topic Closed.
  17. Item Refunded. Topic Closed.
  18. Claim removed. Topic Closed.
  19. I'ma refund myself... Item refunded to my inventory. Topic closed.
  20. Your Name: Cataclysm_cat Item Name + ID + Amount: Fortune III Base Coordinates: bleh Description of Issue: pulled book from barrel and it disappeared...didn't drop or anything, just vanished into oblivion. Screenshots (Optional):
  21. Item refunded to players' inventory. Topic Closed
  22. Confirmed no activity for two claims. Claims removed. Topic Closed.
  23. [Refund Request]*YourName* 4 sets of golem armor Your Name: Cataclysm_cat Item Name + ID + Amount: 4 golem helmets with enchantments: adv prot. IV, adv mending, curse of possession, unbreaking IV. 4 Golem chestplates: adv. prot. IV, Strength. vit. adv mending, curse of possession, unbreaking IV, heating. 4 Golem leggings: adv prot. IV, Curse of Possession, adv. mending, agility II, unbreaking III, 4 golem boots: adv prot. IV, Curse of possession, adv. mending, unbreaking IV Base Coordinates: 7264, 71, -3785 Description of Issue: Had armor in armor stands in closet in clan base. After a "lag" from respawned mob from another player, armor disappeared from armor stands in closet. Screenshots (Optional): none
  24. Items refunded to players' inventory. Topic Closed.
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