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About time_breaker99ki

  • Birthday 04/18/2008

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  1. Your Name: time_breaker99ki Coordinates: -487/1303/78 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 01:00 GMT(+4:00) Description of Issue: i was wandering in the lost cities when i got killed by a mob there and my sentient scythe with multiple enchants(a few not a lot) somehow despawned from my inventory, even though it had Curse Of Possession. thanks., Screenshots (Optional):
  2. In-Game Nickname: my in-game name: time_breaker99ki the person im reporting: GoriCZE Time and date: Wednesday 18th Jan 5:00PM-5:20PM Description of what happened: (In chronological order) my friend (ahkent1125) just joined the server and went to his base and found out some items were missing (barrels, and healing pad), he kept searching for them until he found them stolen by GoriCZE and when we asked for them back he kept saying that they were not claimed which was true but those items were like at the edge of claim end so they were in the unclaimed part, now we kept asking him for it but he says the same thing, and if any of yall are looking for proof just break the healing pad and check if it was spawned by ahkent1125 or not Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) this image is where he is saying that he took them since they were not in his claim, (translation is required, he talks slovak) https://imgur.com/a/M81cIOj these images show the items he took (the barrels and healing pad) https://imgur.com/a/y3yi8a8 https://imgur.com/a/3zfZ9AX this image shows the place where he stole the items from, the blocks this side are unclaimed due to not having enough claim blocks https://imgur.com/a/DTfsIGl List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below) ahkent1125
  3. oh, well then i just did some research and i found it here is direct link https://ore.spongepowered.org/Zerthick/SayItem and here is github link https://github.com/Zerthick/SayItem if you want an alternative then here is direct link https://ore.spongepowered.org/pie_flavor/ItemChat sadly there is no github link
  4. oh, u can add the ChatItem plugin you will find the link below there is github link there and if u scroll down u will find a tutorial for the plugin https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/chatitem-display-items-in-chat.19064/
  5. well it will be hard since *regenerating part of the overworld* will need world edit to do that and it will be hard to select the "specific" parts bec if so then mods/admins need to go to the specific parts and do that which will be hard to do
  6. its actually a really good mod but the server only hosts the modpack it doesnt add any mods or to it or else it wont be rlcraft modpack, therefore it wont be added
  7. until someone fixes it here is how to fix until server restarts then u need to do same thing again 1- go to lost city 2- dont open any chest just rtp 3- and after check any chests if there is any loot 4- if it didnt work then go /home or /spawn and do again 5- if it did then loot will work everywhere and u dont need to do again unless server restarts NOTE: only u must be in lost city in order to do the fix it doesnt work if someone else was in lost city
  8. Hi, Is adding /display or [i] allowed because people kill other people to display their items (they ask before doing) or they put in market hope this gets accepted
  9. i tried to open the craftersland launcher but i cant it keeps telling me this msg and i tried to download it in admin account and still it does not work
  10. i killed a gaia and i got a fruit of grisaia and when i try to eat it, it never filled my hunger bar and when i tried it first time is when i was in battle against gaia so i lost because that fruit never filled my hunger bar. please help
  11. no need i found the tablet mine and my friend's tablet i don’t know how they went above ground i was underground
  12. Your Name: Time_breaker99ki Item Name + Amount: staff of power, Coordinates (format x, y, z): -3118.500/ 68.00000/ -2166.500 Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: no death tablet but i have obituary Description of Issue: i had a wither skeleton spawner at my base and my friend wanted to finish monk challenge so i let him in and a wither kill him when he died no death tablet appear then i went in and died an also no death tablet appear my friend name: INotHacks Screenshots (Optional): file bigger than total size
  13. oh ok i wont pay then thanks for helping
  14. in monk level 19 i tried killing a lot of wither enemies even i killed a wither and 3 wither skeletons with my hands and still i cant pass monk level 19
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