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Devil_Official69 last won the day on January 26 2023

Devil_Official69 had the most liked content!


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  1. Wait I somehow received it now!! thanks a lot Happy!!
  2. If it was a rollback for 6:35AM GMT+1 means 11:30AM UTC+06:00 I had that golden bag of holding but I still did not got it? Is it some kind of bug or?
  3. I still didn't got the "Golden bag of holding" Uh can you rollback a bit back? like at date: 4/19/23 10:00pm (UTC+06:00)
  4. Your Name: Devil_Official69 Coordinates: Base coords Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 3:00pm (UTC+06:00) Description of Issue: I was holding my "Golden bag of holding" and server crashed and from then I can not find that bag probably de-spawned.I had many important stuff in the bag. Screenshots (Optional): Do not have any.
  5. Your Name: Devil_Official69 Coordinates: -47-52 35 (in nether) Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):April 1st 2023 UTC+6 at 7:00pm Description of Issue: I was in nether collecting stuff and while I was going I died in lava and couldn't get my items as I was unable to put out lava and when I tried to get the stuffs all of them burned in lava.... Screenshots (Optional):
  6. Your Name: Devil_Official69 Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 Strengthen vitality V enchanting book. Base Coordinates: Not needed.. Description of Issue: I had bought the book from the market when my inventory was full.. and the book didn't came to my inventory and neither the sellers inventory.. and i couldn't find the book laying around near me... Screenshots (Optional):
  7. Your Name: Devil_Official69 Item Name + Amount: Villager 3 Coordinates: X= -3170 Z= -4631 Description of Issue: my 3 villager jst de spawn by glitch so i want my villager 1st villager sell silk touch and multi shot 2, 2nd villager sell subject pe 3, and 3rd villager sell diamond every where 2. Screenshots (Optional):
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