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Out of the Water

Out of the Water (3/26)



  1. Not seen not catch, if it's your choice. What is the command you are talking about to block player to come inside ?
  2. In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about) --> Eckt Time and date: I spoted this player while he was doing this when I connected on the server today 10/12/2020 around 10PM (UTC+1) But the player "Eckt" confirm he was using a dislocator to come inside my base at least 2 days (see printscreen in this link : https://ibb.co/P4KctPT) Description of what happened: (In chronological order) This player "Eckt" went deep inside my base by using a glitch doors and saving some spots inside my base with an "Advanded Dislocator" to TP inside everytime I'm offline. By this way he activated all my spawners to collect drops (and causing server lags by the way as all was activated in same time). But as I have some Traps inside "my protected area" against players : he fell into one of mine trap lost his stuff and so I have his "Advanced Dislocator" that he lost and this one show the inside spot he saved (see printscreen https://ibb.co/cCZLsBF). Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) https://ibb.co/cCZLsBF Thank you.
  3. Thank you Great if it's today ?
  4. Hello Brunyman, When will the vote be closed ? What will happend for people who just bought stuff few days ago ? And just a suggestion, don't you think it could be interresting to apply a weekly wipe of the nether ? Because I think that actually it's only on RFTOOL world. Thank you. Kind Regards, Reaper.
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