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OmegaGR's Achievements

  1. Bit late but if you are still wondering it is bugged and does not work sadly.
  2. Your Name: OmegaGR Item Name + Amount: 1 Ender quarry,2 tesseract,2 resonant solar panel,1 silk touch upgrade,speed III upgrade Coordinates: X53 Z-746 Y 71(in the mining world) Description of Issue: Quarry got deleted from the wipe Screenshots (Optional):
  3. I was able to join. Thanks for fixing it so quickly
  4. Hello i want to join ddss but cant seem to be able to login to the server.The thing is i can join singleplayer just fine but when i hit connect to the server on multiplayer it says logging in normally and after a while says connection lost disconnected.If i connect from the hub the error changes to Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host I have already tried increasing ram from 8 to 10gb, updating java, gpu drivers,reinstalling the modpack with and without any extras from the craftersland launcher and i tried the curse launcher version too. I have also tried connecting to 4 other servers with no issues although it takes me about 70-80 secs to login to those so im thinking it might be taking to load to connect and im timing out.Just wondering if anything can be to fix this. Thanks in advance
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