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  1. you didnt rollback my claim its still the same
  2. we had a town with mizakux leadind it, then he unclaimed the whole town, griefed my house, while i was offline.
  3. Your Name: ZenOfWolf Coordiantes: 2265 69 5211 Time/Date: 2 am (GMT+2) 11/18/2020 Description of Issue: my house went unprotected for a discussed reason... and got griefed. Screenshots (Optional):
  4. Your Name: ZenOfWolf Coordinates: Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 6 PM 11/15/2020 Description of Issue: my inventory got wiped for no reason Screenshots (Optional):
  5. Your Name: ZenOfWolf Coordinates: 54 72 -2431 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 10:55 11/13/2020 Description of Issue: i was playing normally then suddenly my colossal chest got wiped for no reason, and it had alot of valuables that i really want back. Screenshots (Optional):
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