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Everything posted by abisredbull

  1. Thought I shouldn't let me builds gather dust in a folder so I made a new CTW map out of them.Hope you will like it.For more pictures you can see my old posts where I showcase evey individual building. Basically: -The build entitled 'Citadel' is now the base where players spawn. -The build entitled 'WatchTower' is where the wool will spawn for each team. -The build entitled 'Marketplace' is the middle area.A wool would also spawn on top of the middle mountain. Songs I've listened to:
  2. Mai intai trebuie sa te inregistrezi cu /register <scrii parola ta aici> <mai scrii o data parola ( fara <> si cu spatiu intre) apoi te duci pe server si te loghezi cu /login <parola pe care ti-ai pus-o> ( la fel fara <>)
  3. There are 3 types of protection: pvp,land and magic.I guess you didn't find them.
  4. Yes 100% pvp server.And we are adding more stuff almost daily.
  5. Alpha is now live!
  6. A week or so
  7. The first dungeon is done.
  8. We will eventually change the current server if the players want that.
  9. We will open another dedicated server and that server will be premium only.This server won't be on the current lobby we have.
  10. Premium only.Some persons are taking our community as a joke because we are not premium that's why we are going to make it revolutionary and premium only
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