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Everything posted by Kxybot

  1. Your Name: Kxybot Item Name + Amount: Lost Baubles: - 1 Menacing Fairy Ring (Punishing Quality) - 1 Hearty Ankh Charm (Undying Quality) - 1 Hearty Dragon's Eye (Undying Quality) - 1 Hearty Ring of the Fairies (Punishing Quality) - 1 Hearty Ring Of Resistance (Undying Quality) - 1 Hearty Ring Of Regeneration (Undying Quality) - 1 Hearty The Stone Of The Sea (Hearty Quality) Lost Armor: - Dragon Scale Helmet (Bronze) (Given By MoistBigRichard) (Unbreaking III, Advanced Protection IV, Advanced Mending) - Dragon Scale Chestplate (Silver) (Given by _HungryPumpkin_) (Advanced Mending, Protection IV, Strengthed Vitality V) - Dragon Scale Leggings (Bronze) (Made Myself) (Unbreaking III, Advanced Mending, Advanced Protection IV, Agility II) That's all the stuff i really need back, there is no point of me getting back my random trash items i got from the raid world. Coordinates: -2453, 86, 5866 (Put the items in the railway chest if you cannot see me online.) Description of Issue: When i was in the raid world, i was full of items, so i warped back home and instantly died, i couldn't get my stuff back due to /back Not letting me teleport, saying that its not safe. So Manly137 tried to help me by giving a Cross Necklace and a totem of undying and a grave scroll. After doing so, i instantly died, my stuff hanging down from a snowy tree, not knowing the coordinates. We tried doing other plans such as using a grave scroll and an Ender Staff to get out and get the death coordinates, but we weren't able to get them in the end. Screenshots (Optional): Screenshot Of Death: Screenshot of Inventory: Didin't take one before of after. Bonus Info: My friend, "Fearless", has a video of me having the fairy ring and the armor, letting me use it as evidence if further investigation is required.
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