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Direwolf20 1.7 Moderator
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Everything posted by 86Grimreefer1

  1. Imo this voting thing is just rigged tbh because I guarantee that 95% of the people voted have not even played on 1.710 nor any of the other servers. And to be honest why wasn't this voting mentioned under any of the other direwolf servers on discord only on the 1.7.10
  2. just to give the Higher admins/mods a heads up that Direwolf20 1.7.10 is somehow on PVP mode so any Player can kill each other but i dont know if its a Glitch tho
  3. Well i dont know where to out this... But i been on every day for hours apon hours and using the auction and the my home town command, i noticed that its very pointless to have due to the fact i have seen about 10 maybe 15 people on the server. But not all at once tho and its pointless to have the auction command because there isnt enough people that play on the server and its f***in sucks that u need money to get more claim blocks and even tho i am new to the server i belive it would be better to put the golden shovel for the claim blocks and have it set to where u get x-amount of claim blocks per hour and get rid of the auction command.. If any admins wanna talk over discord i am on direwolf20 1.7.10 and my user name is Grimreefer#2216
  4. Well i dont know where to out this... But i been on every day for hours apon hours and using the auction and the my home town command, i noticed that its very pointless to have due to the fact i have seen about 10 maybe 15 people on the server. But not all at once tho and its pointless to have the auction command because there isnt enough people that play on the server and its f***in sucks that u need money to get more claim blocks and even tho i am new to the server i belive it would be better to put the golden shovel for the claim blocks and have it set to where u get x-amount of claim blocks per hour and get rid of the auction command.. If any admins wanna talk over discord i am on direwolf20 1.7.10 and my user name is Grimreefer#2216
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