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Everything posted by creepyjangamer

  1. So server often lagging because of which I didn't got my stuff even I had curse of possession on them isn't server's fault? Please explain me then whose fault this is.
  2. But i lost all my items in my inventory, even the items on what i had curse of possession.
  3. Your Name: creepyjangamer Coordinates: world "LOST" 1019, 71, -1289 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 28 May 2022. / about 16:20 , zone: GMT +1 Description of Issue: Fighting Amalgalitch and died in 1 shot
  4. Your Name: creepyjangamer Coordinates: world "LOST" 2355, 87, 4710 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 15. March 2022. / about 20:00 , zone: GMT +1 Description of Issue: I was fighting some mobs in Lost City when suddenly invisible mob one shoted me and when i did command /back all my stuff just suddenly instant disappear.
  5. I didn't get anything of my items back.
  6. Your Name: creepyjangamer Coordinates: world "LOST" 2355, 87, 4710 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 15. March 2022. / about 21:00 , zone: GMT +1 Description of Issue: I was fighting some mobs in Lost City when suddenly invisible mob one shoted me and when i did command /back all my stuff just suddenly instant disappear. Screenshots (Optional): I didn't took it cause I didn't knew I was gonna die
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