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Pomm3styl3r_TV's Achievements

  1. Account Name: Pomm3styl3r_TV Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: /time set day/night Reason for Request*: Just incase I'm online by myself, or others request it and not enough people can sleep
  2. Account Name: Pomm3styler_TV Rank: Sponsor + Requested Items: all things for the sponsor + Reason for Request: Wipe
  3. probably that would be the best
  4. Account Name: Pomm3styler_TV Rank: Sponsor + Requested Items: all things for the sponsor + Reason for Request: Wipe
  5. I'm not really concerned with the items that are gone, I wouldn't apply for that. I could give them to myself in creative mode. It's just that my setups stop working because of the lag. That means in the case of my reactors 150 machines to reset and reposition. Just let the community vote and see what comes out. I don't want to complain too much either.
  6. I don't think it's my decision, but maybe with your help we could have the server choose via a vote.
  7. I don't know how to go on and how to fix it, but slowly I'm really disappointed how this runs meanwhile. The server is no longer running smoothly, because apparently there are too many players on it for the performance that the server has. I spent 8 hours building a reactor setup to speed up my UU-Matter factory. Now 3 reactors are just bent away, with all the content. It is not possible that they blew up, because they only work under 1500C°. Furthermore, all steam turbines are bent and partly have no content anymore. I just don't feel like sacrificing time and money to a server that is currently functioning so poorly. I have also asked over 10 days ago, how it looks with the reset of the farm worlds and still no answer. MfG Pomme
  8. I wanted to ask when the farm world reset is coming up. Actually, it should be today, but I'm not sure. Before I sacrifice my quarry I wanted to know exactly. with kind regards Pomme
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