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Everything posted by Nickamania100

  1. As I demonstrated before I posted one gif, and it wasn't irrelevant, it was saying "whats wrong w the server"... crazy ur trying to substantiate what you did. You just banned me cause I hurt your feelings, you managers think you so big and bad its hilarious, like I care about being in your discord server. Double manager skill issue, may your Minecraft crops never grow.
  2. No point in having a discussion forum if you dictate it.... You're a manager right? You should have no issue finding the warnings I was given on discord and posting them. Go ahead. I was only warned 1 singular time for spamming, that which is so inconsequential in the context of getting kicked and banned in my last post
  3. First off that post wasn't an appeal so you cant deny it. Second where is the proof? I was never warned or told to stop posting unrelated content in our channels. That is complete falsehood.... I barely talk in crafterlsand discord LOL. Do you have any proof? you also closed the forum prematurely on a discussion post, this is so corrupt. Kaszanka blatantly attacked me and kicked me for no reason at all and here you are trying to cover for him. I couldn't even respond cause u closed the forum. Is this a joke? are you 15?
  4. Good day, I am here to report a manager for the following: 1) Abuse of Power 2) Breaking Rule 5 (Harassment) It saddens me to have to post something like this, especially since i have been a member of CraftersLand for years now and have around 2000 hours on the server platform roughly. I have played many of the modpacks offered, especially McEternal and GTNH. The behavior of Kaszanka_1234 has distasteful. Recently I was kicked and then banned shortly after on craftersland discord. I'm sure you are wondering why I was banned. Surly, it must be a good reason to ban a OG craftersland player and consistent donator to the server (hundreds of dollars worth). I am still trying to figure that out myself, as I did nothing wrong. I will be demonstrating how, on 3/21/2024 specifically, Kaszanka_1234 abused his power. I do not want him removed as a manager, as I know craftersland is shorthanded on staff these days; all I request is a formal apology from Kaszanka_1234, Kaszanka to be educated on how abuse of power can have negative consequences, and obviously unbanned from the discord (if that doesn't go without saying). 3/21/2024 8:30 AM EST I was unable to connect to the GTNH server and informed the discord of my issues. Nox said in the GTNH chat everyone go to #Technical-support so I did. I restated the issue I was having and then began to talk to some GTNH friends in chat since the server wasn't up. 8:40AM EST ***this is what I believe led to the kick**** I posted 1 GIF of the girl with braces from Finding Nemo which said "Hello anyone there" (since staff didn't really inform anyone what they thought was going on. I will attach the GIF to be thorough.) Immediately after posting the funny harmless GIF in chat I was kicked. I knew immediately it was Kaszanka. I see how he acts towards other members of the community and even myself in the past so I presumed he was the one to do it. At the time, I wasn't sure if it was a kick or a ban so I tried the join link again and I rejoined. Immediately I went into chat and said verbatim "@Kaszanka_1234 Reason for kick?", a fair question to ask when you did absolutely nothing wrong. His response verbatim (See screenshot as well) "Being annoying and irrelevant, which you still are". With that one sentence I have demonstrated that Kaszanka_1234 abused his power as manager and even broke a server rule! This is a clear violation of Rule 5. First of all, that is extremely rude and distasteful, especially coming from a manager. Someone who should be setting an example for the server. This is someone who oversees moderators and admins? Is this how staff should treats donators to their server? Anyways, there was clearly no grounds for the kick but let's continue further. After he attacked me, I replied something along the line of "you are on some high horse because you're in green letters, how embarrassing" a fair reply to the personal attack that was stated. Then I was banned from the discord server. I wouldn't expect this kind of behavior from a Helper, never mind a Manager. Hope Kaszanka_1234 can get the help he needs with whatever he is going through IRL, cause its clearly affecting server affairs. There were people in chat that saw the encounter that can vouge as well, I will attach a screenshot of a dialogue of a bystander that saw the encounter go down. Everyone present saw the abuse of power, so I hope I demonstrated it effectively here. Regards, Nickamania100
  5. Any update yet on solutions for this tick/TPS issue, for the past 2 days its been like 2 greg seconds to 10 IRL seconds. if we could get a statement from you we would appreciate it.
  6. Ill sell you my 12900k, ill rip that thing right out of my motherboard
  7. Thanks for the response bruny, I know this may be challenging and I'm not a tech guy but there is only 2 people online right now and 10 GTNH seconds are about 60 IRL seconds, not sure what the solution is but if its a money thing I am willing to donate a lump some to help you out as I know this is a business. @brunyman
  8. Im willing to make a monthly donation and a $50 upfront donation if I get evidence that it goes directly into increasing the speed of GTNH I'm sure others would do so as well. @brunyman
  9. Dear Bruny and Staff of GTNH, First off I would like to thank you all for the fantastic server and your dedication to keeping it up and running, I have about 700 hours on GTNH now not including the other servers I have played on with you guys in the past. I have some feedback from the community and myself that I would like to address. Sometimes we, as a GTNH community feel like the issues that are popping up, aren't being addressed and I have decided to make a forum post so that hopefully, Bruny and the higher-ups can see it. -TPS The TPS issues are so bad sometimes that it makes me want to log off and start a single-player world. It's worse when there are a lot of people on but interestingly I was on all by myself a handful of times and the TPS was still like 1 game second to 3 IRL seconds which just made no sense since I was the only one online. When I reached out to 3xJ he said its " a tick rate issue caused by a plugin I believe." We have lots of donators here on GTNH and we would love to see some of that money go back into some faster TPS. PS: I'm not a tech guy but I hear that the new GTNH update supports the latest version of java or Minecraft or something like that which I hear is a big thing cause it can optimize the game and help TPS, I think it was Sreny1 who mentioned it can run on java 17-19(20) in discord. -Visual Prospecting I know this one is on the back burner but it would really be great to get that fixed because as far as i know other servers a fraction of the size of craftersland have it working and it would make the game way more playable. -More frequent server restarts Sometimes the TPS is so brutal but the server doesn't restart, I think making it so the server resets more often would help out a lot. I know all the staff here are volunteers and I appreciate that, I just believe sometimes the issues we are having don't reach the higher-ups. PS I just want to give a shout-out to Lordwarlock for being the BEST and most helpful member of GTNH. He is always there to help and serves everyone well. Nick @brunyman @HappyN0x @3XJ @LordWarlock
  10. Can we get the new GTNH update. Also, can we get visual prospecting fixed. It’s been broken for god knows how long. Thank you, Nick
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