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Everything posted by theneutraIone

  1. Kaszanka, if i had no intent to play the server properly i would have never quit for months even after the 14 day ban was over, the whole discord incident only ever happened after you guys had done the perma ban, you guys perma banned me for literally no reason immediately after i hopped on after a multiple month hiatus? if you perma banned me because i had no intent to play, how could you possibly know if i intend to play or not immediately after coming back onto the server after a multiple month hiatus, if i had no intent to play i would have never came back yet i did thus i clearly had intent to play. you guys have made my whole experience on the server even before the duping hell. you guys perma banned my alt because i used it to get extra keys. Right before i got banned for 14 days, there was multiple people using alts to get keys, i asked if its allowed or not, they said it is, so why would you possibly perma ban my alt for it 1 year before this? well its because you guys have a non-neutral status, you only ever perma banned my alt AFTER my first ever ban for using a hacked client. not only did you do that. i once hit you at spawn and you had like 1000 thorns which resulted in my armor set being broken (mind you it was half maxed golem armor), you never gave me my armor back, i offered to send a clip of it, and more, you never gave it back. you guys also wiped every single people whos base i had auth on, not people who had auth on my base which resulted in multiple innocent people being wiped cause of your guys ignorant decision making. simply put, you guys had no actual reason to perma ban me, my alt. and no reason to wipe people who had no reason to be wiped at all. you never gave back armor that was lost cause of you hanging around spawn with armor that breaks others armor when they hit you to get your attention cause they want to ask a question.
  2. ] In-Game Username: milkmankarlson [2] Details of Situation: i was perma banned for using a hacked client apparently [3] Ban Category: [4] Ban Duration: perm [5] Staff Member: doesnt say [6] ScreenShots/Videos: provided in different sections [7] Your Reason: according to your guys rules, using a hacked client and duping are different rules with different punishments my first punishment was for using a hacked client with chest esp which resulted in a 7 day ban as it was my first strike for rule 1 my 2nd punishment was for duping which resulted in a 2 day ban as it was my first strike for rule 2 (i bought a unban for this one) my 3rd punishment was for hacked client which resulted in a 14 day ban as it was my second strike for rule 2 i quit the server after this and came back a few months after i think what i do remember is immediately after coming back i was instantly perma banned for god knows what i bought my 2nd unban for this ban and well. you guys never unbanned me, i even have a forum post from back when i bought the unban and surprise, surprise, you guys didnt even read the post..... I shouldnt have even needed to buy a unban because according to how you guys made the rule punishments, you guys had no reason at all to perma ban me. only rule 7 and 8 can result in a perma ban and i never broke either of those rules once. you guys also banned my alt when i first joined the server for using it to get extra keys when that isnt even listed as against the rules at all, like hello?
  3. [1] In-Game Username: milkmankarlson [2] Details of Situation: it was my first time ever breaking a rule on the server by duping items, the rules state that the first warn for duping is a 2 day ban yet i got a perm ban, and when i bought a unban, the unban never took effect. [3] Ban Category: [4] Ban Duration: perm [5] Staff Member: doesnt say [6] ScreenShots/Videos: provided in different sections [7] Your Reason: i bought a unban from the server cause i got a perm ban for duping on my first warn and the rules on the forum literally state that 1 warn = 2 day ban not perm ban, and the unban didnt even occur/take action so i literally got scammed. oh btw this was literally like 1+ years ago
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