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  1. Yes please I still need a rollback!
  2. I blame duke lol! And thanks for the info now I know what to do to fix it!
  3. Your Name: Ggrizzle420 Island Owner Name: PearlSwitch Coordinates:unsure Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 10 AM EST On 2/11/23 Description of Issue: It deleted after a server restart Screenshots (Optional):
  4. There has been a glitch on my island where my ME drive has been deleted with all my drives if you can do a island rollback on my island to the date 2/10/23
  5. Your Name: Ggrizzle420 Coordinates: Around x:1364 z:-836 Time/Timezone/Date: Around 1:35 Description of Issue: I was in the end and lost all my stuff the stuff om the picture is mainly what i lost. Screenshots (Optional):
  6. I died and all my things dropped and now i have nothing!
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