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cvncer_'s Achievements

  1. fixed with unstuck
  2. I got this crash msg : The game crashed whilst unexpected error Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error I random tp myself and I was in a village inside an agricraft greenhouse looking at some crop and as soon I look at it I crash. Idk why I can't connect, I don't place nor craft any item. Pls help. My nick in game is cvncer_ I add the crash report txt:
  3. Now I can enter, a rollback was made but maybe add Ender Pearl Dust - 1 to banned items. This will made the portal gun obtainable just in dungeons
  4. Reposted on Gaming I crafted some enderpearl dust by smelting enderpearls to create the mineature black hole for portal gun and crash the game as soon as I picked it by shift+click, then i try enter again and the server dont alow me to enter (Time out). The crash was the Code Error -1. I think the server is broken because of this. The enderpearl dust was not in the banned item list of info panel at spawn so im so sad this happen. My nick is cvncer_ I guess the dust is in my inventory.
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